

New Member
Are there any users of this product, and if so, could you tell me what you use it for and what are the benefits that you've seen.

I used kemi oyl for 3 years, as a daily moisturiser and it made my hair really soft and its light so it didn't weigh it down. i think you can also use it as a hot oil treatment and before applying heat appliances. HTH...
Oooh goody! I purchased some yesterday and used a few drops on my hair after perming, and again this morning while it was still damp, but it's too early for me to notice anything. I want to try it for like a thousand things because I heard it was good. But I really can't wait to try it before using the flat iron one day!
I've used it off and on. It makes the hair very soft (sometimes even too soft if you use too much) gives it a nice shine and it isn't overly oily feeling. I think that most people use it as a moisturizer/oil.
I have used it and I now use it on my son's hair. It does have a nice scent and makes the hair soft. I prefer Barry Flecther oil.