Keeping deep conditioners fresh???...


Well-Known Member
When I used to frequent the salon, I always used certain deep conditioners in my hair...I tried to buy it for myself but the owner had told me: 'No, because since the size is so large, it will spoil or go bad before you use it all up'...

Now that I've found LCHF, I do my own hair, and yesterday bought a tub of a deep conditioner I've been eager to try for quite some time now...the large size is the only size I've seen at every store I go to that sells it. Now I'm worried it'll go bad before I use it all up...How do you ladies keep your conditioner lasting for a long time? Can conditioner really SPOIL?? If so, how can I keep it from doing so? Should I put it in the fridge or something?

LOL, sorry if these are stupid questions
I've never heard this before but curious to know what the other 'scientist' think about this. I have heard that keeping on'e sDC in the fridge is a good idea.....
Yes - beauty products do have a shelf life.... Just be wise. Most of us around here - KILL condish... Does not last very long.

I make my own - but I put a tiny bit of preservative - so that it will last at least a month.
Thanks for the info! I will put my DC in a cool dark place, or maybe the fridge. Has anyone put their DC's in the fridge with good results?

If you look at the label... there should be a tiny symbol - with a number on it... 12 or 24. that will tell you how long it will last....12 months - 24 months, etc...
I don't think many of us have to worry about conditioner expiring :lol:

They are good for years!
If you look at the label... there should be a tiny symbol - with a number on it... 12 or 24. that will tell you how long it will last....12 months - 24 months, etc...

Wow, I'm such a I was thinking that that little symbol was only on makeup/some skin products...the tub of DC I have has a 12 mnth symbol, so I assume that's how long it'll last once I open, it right?
I currently have a Jar of a Certain Conditioner in the Fridge right now. Based on another Poster saying when she opened hers it had Molded. So just to be safe, I stuck it in the Fridge.:yep:

Thanks Poster. This is a very good Thread. Because I do worry about Shelf Life, and Effectiveness of Products which is really making me reconsider my PJ-ing Ways.:lachen:
I had no idea that conditioner has a shelf life. I have a large tub of conditioner which I purchased ten years ago, and I still use it. It's still good. I keep it in the linen closet.

I would have finished it years ago had I not stumbled across this board and buying different conditioners that are popular here.

I won't buy anymore now until my mother and I use everything up.
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Thanks OP for this thread. Like ITDH, it will make me spend less on hair products moving forward:yep:. This must be a sign from heaven...:grin:.
Thanks OP for this thread. This must be a sign from heaven...:grin:.

:angel:It Is. I Agree.

Because I really want to continue to Love All My Wonderful Products and Love Doing My Hair and Getting it Healthy and I am not going to be able to do that, if I don't get Control of them.:spinning:

The massive Clutter quickly starts to become a Distraction.:look: And those Opened Jars and stuff (especially on the Natural products) do concern me.

Besides, I want them to work at capacity. And definitely "Mold" Free.:ohwell:
:angel:It Is. I Agree.

Because I really want to continue to Love All My Wonderful Products and Love Doing My Hair and Getting it Healthy and I am not going to be able to do that, if I don't get Control of them.:spinning:

The massive Clutter quickly starts to become a Distraction.:look: And those Opened Jars and stuff (especially on the Natural products) do concern me.

Besides, I want them to work at capacity. And definitely "Mold" Free.:ohwell:

ITA with all the bolded Terri.
It should cut down on the PJ'ism. I buy Food.... I will use way or another.... Other wise - I make small batches - and use stuff up quickly - or freeze it.

Got 3 Carmel treats in the freezer now :yep: