Keeping a clean scalp while wearing a Sew-In


New Member
So, I got a sew-in to help my transition. FYI- I have occasional eczema flare ups on my scalp but I haven't had one in months. I washed my hair two nights ago with a diluted shampoo and rinsed well. I oiled my scalp a day later. I think my scalp is okay at the moment but my question is just in case it happens which I think it will...what should I do to prevent dandruff or a flare up on my scalp during the next two months? Should I get it professionally washed once a month?

Has anyone in here ever dealt with dandruff on their scalp while in a sew in? How did you get your scalp really clean?

all I really do is make sure i cleanse really well once a week. I dilute (clarifying, usually) shampoo and put it in a spray bottle, making sure i get every inch of my scalp. then i rinse very well, getting in between the tracks and all.
I like oiling my scalp with castor oil or coconut oil.
that's pretty much it. i find that any dandruff that i used to have went away once i started washing once a week, as opposed to once a month.
Thanks! I was just wondering if anyone has had any problems with this and how they avoided it. I'm kinda paranoid and don't want a set back lol
When i had a sew-in and micros for that matter i used a baby toothbrush and some dry shampoo (ORS has one) - but for your sew-in I would go with what Rocky91 suggested and stick with the rinse.
When I used to get sew-ins, my stylist recommended that I use a cotton ball with witch hazel to clean my scalp. I would do that and resume my regular moisturizing/sealing regimen.
My daughter has eczema, and seborrhea(flakey, scabby patches) on her scalp. She's is also wearing a full sew in. We have been using generic brand monistat for years at the recommendation of her dermatologist to keep her outbreaks to a minimum. Works like a charm, even with her weave. I know most ladies on the board were using it for hair growth, but she's always had fast growth so i can't attribute that to the monistat. However its our lifesaver for her outbreaks. As far as actual eczema, she has finally discovered the magic of coconut oil and hopefully we can say bye to sterroid creams forever. HTH :-D

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I add a little tea tree oil and peppermint oil to my conditioner diluted with water. This has a gentle antiseptic effect and keeps my scalp nice.

I have used witch hazel too. I personally prefer the essential oils. But both work.

Sent from my iPhone while out living my best life!
Shescent it has something called the Deshani scalp elixer. I posted the description and ingredients below it's suppose to keep your scalp healthy moisturized and dandruff free. She's also have a 30% sale right now. Maybe you can use that on your scalp in between washes.

Tea-tree , olive, avocado, grapeseed oils are infused with Clary sage, Rosemary, Cherry bark and a powerful blend of essential oils to stimulate the scalp and promote hair growth! Heals dry scalp, stimulates hair follicles to prevent hair loss. Improves blood circulation.

No mineral Oil. Kid friendly


Soya Bean Oil, Olive oil, Jojoba Oil, Organic Avocado Oil, Castor oil, Grapeseed oil, Sweet Almond Oil, Organic Shea nut oil, tea tree oil, Rosemary, Sage, Patchouli, Cinnamon, Cherry Bark, Orange essential oil, Neem oil, Vitamin D, Vitamin E