Keep your hair makes it grow.


:eh: Was what a "Natural" hair stylist told me the other day. I wanted so badly to tell her I disagreed because your hair grows from the scalp not the ends. This is so crazy. My mom's beautician told her the same line of malarchy and then a friend of mine said her stylist told her this as well. I mean like really? Why would they think this? IMO trimming should only be done as needed otherwise you are cutting off all your progress. But the natural stylist claims that this is what made her hair grow out. Ok whatever. I just nodded, smiled and kept my opinion to myself until I got home.
Think about it.

If Hairdressers told you, you don't need a trim.. your hair can grow. Which evidently is true, because as you pointed out it grows from our scalp, not our ends. The amount of people going for trims will drop significantly and that's bad for their business...

That's why Hairdressers always well 9 out 10 times tell you, your hair is damaged. You need this, you need that. A Hairdresser is always trying to get you to invest in them, they don't want you to learn what works for your hair. They want you to be dependent on them.

I've had hairdressers with some nasty hair, hair that hasn't seen water since Moses parted the Red Sea.. tell me I need a trim :look: I just politely smile and say, no. She must think I'm retarded to give her my money. I wouldn't mind sponsoring her, because nobody should have hair like that. But don't try and take my money & turn it into you're helping me. :rolleyes:
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Think about it.

If Hairdressers told you, you don't need a trim.. your hair can grow. Which evidently is true, because as you pointed out it grows from our scalp, not our ends. The amount of people going for trims will drop significantly and that's bad for their business...

That's why Hairdressers always well 9 out 10 times tell you, your hair is damaged. You need this, you need that. A Hairdresser is always trying to get you to invest in them, they don't want you to learn what works for your hair. They want you to be dependent on them.

I've had hairdressers with some nasty hair, hair that hasn't seen water since Moses parted the Red Sea.. tell me I need a trim :look: I just politely smile and say, no. She must think I'm retarded to give her my money. I wouldn't mind sponsoring her, because nobody should have hair like that. But don't try and take my money & turn it into you're helping me. :rolleyes:

she must have meant to say "keep your hair trimmed, it helps make my pockets grow."

Both of ya'll are cracking me up!!!:lachen::lachen:
she must have meant to say "keep your hair trimmed, it helps make my pockets grow."
Stylists always seem to be speaking in code. You have to read between the lines with them to figure out their real intention. Usually they don't have your best interest at heart, only theirs.