Keep it simple Challenge 2009


New Member
I have notice that when I first join lhcf every technique I tried it... every new product I heard about I brought it... as some of us do as well :grin:, but I also notice that when I just stuck w/a simple regimen and use less products my hair had a better outcome :yep:. So I decided to start this challenge to help the lhcf ladies ecsp. NEWBIES to see as well if they stick to their simple regimen's and products will their hair journey have a better outcome.

The rules are:
-You must submit your regimen and products you will be using by Dec 31st
-Upload a pic from your starting point and also upload a pic at every 3 months for the K.I.S Challenge check-in (that will be announce).

Here is my Regimen & Products:
-Shampoo: once a week w/KC hydrating shampoo
-Condt: once a week for 15 w/KC hamecto creame
-DC: once a week for 45mins w/QH chelestorol w/ginseng
-Method of drying: Blowdry on low setting(sorry but my hair loves a little heat)
-Moisturize hair: 2x a day w/ORS oil moisturizing hair lotion and seal it w/IC fantasia hair polisher oil
-Oil hair: 2x a week w/Mega-tek mix w/JBCO
-Protective style: Bunning
-Strecthing Relaxer: 10-12 wks

So whose up for the challenge???? ALL Lengths are welcome.
I am not good at joining challenges, but I thought this was a great idea and and a great thread so I bumping it for ya...
I'll join you this is an easy challenge for me.
-Shampoo: once a week w/ORS creamy aloe conditioner
-Condt: CO Wash daily with Pantene R&N (usually the breakage defense)
-DC: 2-3 times overnight with ORS hair mayo
-Method of drying: Air dry
-Moisturize hair: Profectiv Long N Healthy
-Oil hair: no oil
-Protective style: Bunning or cornrows 5 days a week
There is a picture from this week after about a one inch trim in my fotki.
PW pinkcow
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I'm in. :grin:

For me, the best way to keep it simple is to not have a strict regimen. I pay attention to my hair needs and go with the flow. I usually wash my hair more days out of the week than not, section into two braids and let air dry. Sometimes I use leave-ins and oils, sometimes I don't. I keep the PJ demons in check but I always keep a few staples around:

A good chelating/clarifying shampoo (right now it's ORS creamy aloe)
ORS Replenishing Packs
Le Kair Cholesterol
Suave condish
An intense moisturizing set of shampoo, condish (whatever I'm trying at the time)
Random oils and bases: evoo, castor, coconut, tea tree, lavender, rosemary, grapefruit, glycerin, etc.

Other than that I love to rotate and try all the wonderful products out there. I just bought some Alter Ego Garlic and after hearing the reviews that may become a staple for breakage and shedding. I keep everything else in rotation and I rarely go back to one set unless it works wonders. By doing this it keeps the PJism in check.

I use direct heat sparingly (maybe 1x a month) and use rollersets to stretch my relaxers. Sometimes I pre-poo, sometimes I do a DC using a condish cap- I try not to be to strict as long as I'm mostly keeping my hair pinned up and my ends are protected and moist. I'm not big on vitamins although with my eating habits lately I really should consider a good one.

The most important thing that I'm incorporating in my routine is using up what's available in the house first before buying new things. If the eggs are gonna expire soon I'll do an egg treatment, or mayo, avocados, fruit, etc. I've also started using tea for rinses and face toners. I'm trying to cut down on waste and be as frugal as possible. I want to try some of the higher end products but for now I'm gonna mostly stick to whatever I can buy at Walmart, Walgreens, or CVS until I get a job so that still gives me a lot of options to exhaust first. :yep:
Count me in! I already KISS - sorta!

- Shampoo: once a week w/whatever shampoo my hair needs OR
- CO Wash: once a week w/whatever moisturizing CO (Motions Silk Protein)
- DC: once a week for 15-20 mins w/Miss Kay 10 en 1 or ORS
- Method of drying: Roller set w/gray and purple rollers
- Moisturize hair: 2x a day w/whatever it needs (at least once a day)
- Oil hair: Nearly daily with Profective Growth Oil (or Hydrathermal Naturals Oil) I love coconut oil, but I can't use it in the cold!
-Protective style: None, but I try to up-do (most don't consider roller sets as protective, but I do, that's the ONLY heat I give my hair for at least 4 months at a time!)
-Strecthing Relaxer: 8-10 weeks
I'm definitley joining! Combined with the MBL 2009 challenge, I should reach my goals in 09!! I am not going to be buying a bunch of stuff online or anything because I know I can't afford it!

My Regimen:

Shampoo: 2 weeks after a relaxer, after that once every week.
Product: Design Essentials Moisture Retention Conditioning Shampoo

Deep Conditioning: 2 weeks after a relaxer, after that once every week.
Product: Stimulations Super Moisturizing Conditioner

Regular/Leave-In Conditioning: I probably won't use regular conditioner except for as a detangler if needed during washing. As far as leave ins, I'll use them on wash days, and a few times throughout the week
Product: Herbal Essences Color Me Happy Conditioner (detangling conditioner) Design Essentials HCO Leave In Conditioner, ULI Leave On Conditioner

Drying Method: I am retiring my comb out blow dryer! I will be roller setting in 2009.
Product: Gold N' Hot hard bonnet dryer.

Moisturizer: I have yet to find a great one, but I will be moistuizing daily with the one I have. :(
Product: Cantu moisturizer

Oiling: I decided not to go outrageous with the oiling. I might try some of the Indian oils later on.
Product: Design Essentials Silk Essentials (used daily..LOVE this), Wild Growth Oil (used after every roller set)

Styling: I am going to try a lot of different things throughout the year. Roller setting, braid outs, twist outs, buns, and of course straight.
Product: Headbands, & clips.

Relaxing: Ok, so I REFUSE to try and relax my own hair. I will be paying $55 for every relaxer I get this year. I will relax every 3 months or less depending on the amount of growth, but no later than 3 months because my hair will begin to shed!
Product: Design Essentials relaxer

Starting Pic:

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-Shampoo: once a week w/ Aphogee or CON
-Condt: once a week for 5 mins w/ Aphogee
-DC: once a week for 45mins- 1 hr w/ any moisture DC I have.
-Method of drying: Airdry
-Moisturize hair: everyday with any spray moisturizer
-Growth Aide: every other day with MTG until its gone.
-Protective style: Bunning/Curlformers/Cornrolls
-Strecthing Relaxer: 16 wks
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Keeping it simple is how I live. I'm in! This prevents pjism and also keeps you from jumping on every bandwagon. Here's my reggie:

Once a every 5 days:
-Amla oil pre-poo
-Apply paste of either: Amla, Aritha, Brahmi, Henna, or Shikakai powder
-Co-wahs with Vo5 moisture milks to get any left over powder
-DC with ORS Replenishing Conditioner
-Apply HE LTR leave-in and seal with a mix of Coconut oil and EVOO or Fantasia IC Olive-Oil serum

Airdry in Bantu Knots or Braids

Nightly moisturize with Hairveda Whipped Cream and seal with oil

Style in buns, braid-outs or flat iron

Relax every six months
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I'm in. My hair does best when I leave it alone...

Here is my Regimen & Products:

-Shampoo: once a week w/ Native Secrets Herbal Shampoo
-Condt: once a week rinse with Native Secrets Herbal Conditioner
-DC: once a week for 5 mins w/Mixed Chicks DC (Every other week, 15 min reconstructor under heat)
-Method of drying: Airdry for braidout 2x month, Rollerset/flat iron roots 2x month
-Moisturize hair: coconut oil all over w/ shea butter on ends for braidout, Sabino Moisture Block when rollersetting
-Oil scalp: every other week with natural oil
-Protective style: Bunning
-Stretching Relaxer: none, transitioning

This is what I do regularly, so should have no issues keeping up with the challenge...
Seeing as I tend not to follow through with challenges I think this may be easy because I'm sort of already doing this.

Here is my Regimen & Products:

-Shampoo: every four days with garlic shampoo and when that's finished whatever shampoo I have left over (trying to use all my products up before buying new ones.

-Condt: every four days with garlic conditioner and also The Body Shop's Honey Moisturizing Conditioner and any other conditioner I have left over.

-DC: once a week for as long as I have time for with whatever conditioner I have

-Method of drying: air dry as always

-Moisturize hair: 1-2x a day depending on how I feel w/ Cantu Shea butter or Vatika oil or coconut oil.

-Oil hair: massage scalp with coconut or Vatika oil

-Protective style: Buns, roller sets

-Strecthing Relaxer: Not sure if I will continue to relax.
Add me to the list.

-Shampoo: 2 x per week. I am currently using Dr. Bronner Castile Soap in Tea Tree. I plan to add Ayurvedic powders to my reggie in January.

2 x per week after shampoo. I have a rotation of Mendex & SE R&R Hair mayonnaise, Ion Effective Care & Hot oil, ORS replenishing & SE R&R Hair Mayonnaise. I consistently sit under the dryer for exactly 25 minutes.

-pre poo: 2 x per week before shampooing.Amla Oil, SMT or CLT it just depends on how many weeks I am post relaxer.

-Method of drying:
I will sit under the hair dryer for about 12 minutes and then airdry the rest of the way.

-Moisturize hair: 2x a day w/Fantasia Daily Conditioner & Detangler and CFC Instant Moisturizer. On wash days I moisturize with CFCG or Wave Nouveau.

-Oil hair:
Ayurvedic Oil, EVOO, Proclaim Natural 7 Oil

-Protective style: Wigging it to APL.

-Strecthing Relaxer:
14-16 wks

I'm definitely in.
Here is my Regimen & Products:
once a week w/ hydrating shampoo (CON)
-Condt: :nono:
-DC: once a week for 15-20 w/hooded dryer (AtOne Reconstructor, Kenra, Keracare)
-Method of drying: air drying or when i rollerset - hooded dryer
-Moisturize hair: nightly w/ORS oil in a jar and morning only edges and ends
-Oil hair: :nono:
-Protective style: Bunning
-Strecthing Relaxer: 16 wks
Awesome challenge! This will go great with the bootcamp & drink water for blingin' hair challenge I joined.

I am getting a corrective relaxer done next Friday along w/a precision cut and will get my dh to upload my starting point picture.

My regimen & products:
-poo & dc(w/steam) once a week alternating moisture and protein
-oil scalp light oil daily
-moisturizer & seal hair daily
-protein treatments when needed w/heat for 45 minutes
-chelate once a month
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I'm in... Here's my Reggie

*Method of drying: ROLLERSETTING
*Take Vits Daily ( Biotin, B6, B12, Women's Vitamin)
* Scalp Massages w/ Jojoba, Peppermint, and Rosemary Oil Mix 1x/day
*Protective style: N/A
*Strecthing Relaxer: 8-10 wks

Starting Point is in my Sig...
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Count me in! Here is my Regimen & Products for 09:

-Co-Wash: 3-5 times per week with Trader Joe's Nurish Spa and Aubreys or Giovanni product
-DC: 2x a week w/Giovanni DC
-Method of drying: Air dry or Blowdry on low setting
-Moisturize hair: 2x a day w/Cantu Shea Butter, Giovanni Leave-in, or Coconut oil
-Mega-tek/OCT: 3x per week
-Wash & Go: 2-3 x per week; style with Kinky Curly products
-Protective style: 3x per week
-Henna Hair: 4-6 wks and add Aubreys White Camellia Oil


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I am in. My products may change but my method will not. I will upload my pictures of me and my girls by Dec 31.
Shampoo once a week on Friday's
Co-Wash: On Wednesdays
-DC: Once a week on Friday's for 45 minutes
-Method of drying: Hooded dryer
-Moisturize hair: daily or as needed with Qhemet's and seal with Vatika oil
-Protective style: bunning
-Stretch relaxer every 10-12 weeks.
I am washing my hair Friday, and I can't wait!!! My hair is so dry right now, and that cantu isn't helping. Does anyone know of a really good moisturizer?
I'm in! This will be my regi starting Jan 1st. The only changes are the poos and the oil I seal with. I will be relaxing on Jan 1st. I will post my starting pic then.

Here is my Regimen & Products:
-Pre Poo: two times a week with Hairveda's Vatika Frosting
-Shampoo: once a week w/Con or Hairveda's Amala & Shikaki Poo
-Conditioner Wash: once a week w/Hairveda's Moist 24/7
-DC: three times a week with Hairveda's Sitranillah
-Method of drying: Airdrying
-Moisturize hair: two times a day w/Hairveda's Hydrasoft Spritz and Hairveda's Whipped Baggy Cream, seal with Cocasta & Shikaki Oil
-Protective Style: Bunning
-Stretching Relaxer: 16-17 wks
I am washing my hair Friday, and I can't wait!!! My hair is so dry right now, and that cantu isn't helping. Does anyone know of a really good moisturizer?

The Profectiv Long and Healthy works wonders for my hair and a little goes a long way
Shampoo: 1x week with CON green
Conditioner: Suave Humectant
Co-wash: 1x week with V05 Strawberries and Cream, HE LTR, or Suave Naturals
DC: 2x week with Pantene R&N Breakage Defense
Leave-In: HE LTR, Aphogee, or Garnier Sleek & Shine
Method of Drying: Airdrying or rollersetting with grey rollers
Moisturize: every other night with Silken Child and grapeseed oil
Protective Style: Braidout and bun
I'm in....I already K.I.S.S., so this will be easy .
My Regimen & Products:

Pre-Poo: With steam once per week before every shampoo, applied to hair & scalp
Products: Conditioner (cheapie) mixed w/ peppermint oil & eucalyptus oil
Shampoo: Once per week, more often if bunning
Products: Aphogee (for Damaged Hair or Deep Moisture)
Conditioner: All the time lol
Products: Aphogee Restructurizer & Balancing Moisturizer
DC: Once per week, more often if bunning
Product: Silicon Mix or Organics Mayonnaise
Method of Drying: Hood Dryer, occasional blowdry before a flat iron, airdry if bunning
Tools: Gold ‘n Hot Hatchet Style Dryer & I plan on buying a Pibbs 512
Protective Style: Rollerset/ Phony Pony/ Bun
Relaxer: I plan to stop relaxing in 2009

Other Products: Jojoba & Sweet Almond Oil, CSI, Biosilk, GF Smoothing Milk, Rosewater, Glycerin, Nexus Therappe, Humectress, and Emergencee, Bee Mine
Ok, so which definition of simple are y'all using? Most of this doesn't look "simple".

bumping ...
idk ... maybe the idea of "simple" should be clarified ...
is it using less products
is it less manipulation
or a combination of both
bump for answer.

For me simple is little manipulation and little product

I have a KISS regimen

Wash and DC twice a week alternating between light protein and moisture condishes
Usually rollerset using purple rollers
Moisturize twice daily
Keep my hands outta my hair.

I think always doing stuff to your hair can lead to setbacks (JMO). Folks are doing a lot to their hair and calling it KISS. Well, to each his own