KBB SALE!!!!!!!!!!!! 50% OFF some products!


Sinister Minister
Karen's Body Beautiful is have a sale. With a $50 dollar purchase you can get specific products for 50% off!

Products include:

Super Silky
Body Lotion
Hair Oil
Massage Oil

(If only the Hair Milk or Hair Mask was included :rolleyes:)

Free shipping over $75.00

Promo code is "50 50"

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OMG! Thanx Charz...what products would u recommend 4 transitioning?

Honestly you can easily make your own oils. The super silky I have not tried but it seems like it is for finer hair types and is aloe vera based so this may have some hold.

I really like the Hair Milk for bunning, not neccesarily for loose hair, the Hair necter too. I really like the shampoo, its not stripping at all. I really want to try the hair mask.

I just did a review on my experiences and I look forward to trying some more stuff, mainly the hair mask and perhaps the super silky.

Honestly you can easily make your own oils. The super silky I have not tried but it seems like it is for finer hair types and is aloe vera based so this may have some hold.

I really like the Hair Milk for bunning, not neccesarily for loose hair, the Hair necter too. I really like the shampoo, its not stripping at all. I really want to try the hair mask.

I just did a review on my experiences and I look forward to trying some more stuff, mainly the hair mask and perhaps the super silky.


Thank you:grin: