kanekalon hair


New Member
Is kanekalon hair a mixture of synthetic and human hair? It can't be heat styled can it? Thats only for human hair right? For approximately how much can I find some 100% human hair?
Ok..let me specify this quesion:

Can hair like Kanekalon Jumbo Braid be left out at the ends without looking frizzy? I want braids, but i want them loose at the ends where my hair stops. Has anyone tried this before with hair that is not human hair?
<font color="purple">I bought some Kanekalon hair for my braids. If it says 100% Kanekalon on the package, then it's what I need. Kanekalon is synthetic hair, and not a mixture of both synthetic and human hair. It is not required to use heat on this type of hair. Like plastic, it can melt and have an awful odor. Only human hair can use heat, but very carefully. And to finalize your question, if you have the money, you may try to find 100% human hair in beauty supply stores, wig catalogs, or finding some online. I hope I answered your questions. Good luck in your search. </font>
Yes your Kanekalon hair can be braided and left loose where your hair stops. I just had my hair braided on Friday with Kanekalon hair and I even got then hot curled(hair must be wet to do this). My hair came out beautiful. I then sprayed African Prides braid spray and used some essentials oils so my scalp so it won't become dry and brittle.....hope this helps
okay girl here is what you do.
go buy the zury brand yaki perm braid and put that in. secure the ends ( with glue or rubber bands) but make sure your hair isn't out. then get some oil sheen like revlon or lusters pink and spray your hair. then blow dry it sriaght w/ a brush NOT A BOAR BRISTILE THOUGH. this will take out all the hair. use like one of those other brushes. be sure to start on low heat then get higher and be careful no to melt the hair. this is how my hair is and it's cute. oh and if you already got the hair try to return it to get htat other band. if it isn't opened they might take it back.
Okay, after my hairstylist finished braiding my hair,she boiled hot water and dipped all my braids. she then started hot curling my braids in spiral curls(which you can achieve with jheri curl rollers,but hot curlers make your look more natural). When she was finished I pinned my hair up and it was absolutely beautiful. So yes you can hot curl Kanekalon hair, but only when wet..........
Are hot curlers the rollers that you put in something and it heats them up and then you roll your hair?

If so, how long do you leave them on your hair and can you control how hot they get? Sorry so many questions. Thanks!
The hot curlers that were used on my braids were regular hot curlers that beauticians use when they are doing hair in a shop........you just have to dip the hair in hot water first.....when you start to curl your braids, you will hear a sizzle sound(like your hair is burning)but its just because the hair is wet but it will curl,,trust me....
hmmm that sounds intresting wanda. what i used to do was coat it in sheen spray then a bit of holding spray then curl wit really bad curling iron that my mom bought. it wasn't strong enough to curl my hair but i had cute sprials with my weave