Just Your Friendly Neighborhood Pro-Abortionist


Well-Known Member
From the Catholic News Service: Full Story HERE

Just wanted to enter this into the public record so to speak. So tired of hearing pro-abortionists talk about how pro-lifers are "violent," "intimidating," etc.

Welp, in Chile a group of pro-abortion protestors ran into a Catholic cathedral, while Mass was in progress, and began vandalizing and destroying the church.

They spray painted statues and the side altars with words such as "abortion is best," "Mary wanted an abortion," and "I sh*t on God."

The church-goers in attendance had to call the police and physically block the "peaceful and compassionate" abortion advocates from making it to the main altar in the church.

Several protesters have been arrested and will be charged with vandalism, and they will also be charged with defacing a national historic monument.
Thank you for sharing this. It's the same as the gay lobby: they call us bigots and violent but then they resort to violence when you don't agree with their lifestyle. :nono:

Something else I'm also noticing, even surrounding abortion: the media never calls pro-lifers "pro-life." They call us "anti-abortion." Also, they never refer to abortionists as such--they are "pro-choice." Even the word choice is skewed to make the life negative and choice positive. They would never call it what it is: murder.