Just when my hair has really began to improve ...here comes postpartum shedding


Well-Known Member
I am so aggravated with my hair.:sad: It has finally begun to get on the right track and now I have to deal with shedding. I under processessed (did I spell that right:ohwell:) my hair badly during my last relaxer 6 weeks ago so it could be due to the fact that I need a relaxer but I think it is postpartum shedding. I plan on relaxing my hair in two more weeks.

Anyway, I washed my hair with vo5 nourishing oasis calm and condition shampoo, then I used smooth n shine sixty second reconstructor because my hair was breaking a little, I then used 12 en 1 conditioner rinse followed by my miss key 10 en 1 conditioner. My hair felt stronger but after I applied my leave ins and my S curl I began to comb my hair with a shower comb and I noticed extra amounts shed hair and a few little pieces of hair. I don't no what to do because I never really had to deal with my hair shedding.:perplexed I really need advice. Is there anything I can do or am I doomed:confused:
from what I've read, it's quite natural to shed a lot. there's nothing you can do to stop it because it's the hair that didnt shed during your pregnancy that ordinarily would have. you'd have to lose a lot of hair to notice thinning too.

so just be gentle and breeeeeathe. lol
lsubabiedee said:
from what I've read, it's quite natural to shed a lot. there's nothing you can do to stop it because it's the hair that didnt shed during your pregnancy that ordinarily would have. you'd have to lose a lot of hair to notice thinning too.

so just be gentle and breeeeeathe. lol

Thanks for replying, I feel really down about my hair right now. I worked hard to finally get it to thicken up and grow. Now I have a feeling that all of my hard work is headed down the drain. The shedding is not bad but its still early. I just noticed the shedding a few days ago. I hope it does not get bad. Is there anything I can do to "slow" the shedding down if it gets bad? What are some things I can do to my hair (styles, products, etc) that will allow low to no manipulation? Also I was planning to relax my hair in two weeks, would that cause some type of damage or anything?

sweetcoco said:
Thanks for replying, I feel really down about my hair right now. I worked hard to finally get it to thicken up and grow. Now I have a feeling that all of my hard work is headed down the drain. The shedding is not bad but its still early. I just noticed the shedding a few days ago. I hope it does not get bad. Is there anything I can do to "slow" the shedding down if it gets bad? What are some things I can do to my hair (styles, products, etc) that will allow low to no manipulation? Also I was planning to relax my hair in two weeks, would that cause some type of damage or anything?

try doing a search for post partum..I think some other ladies have had a little success with certain products..hth
I went through this when I stopped breastfeeding. There isn't alot you can do about it. When it happened to me I was natural with a good amount of growth. I thought texturizing my hair would hide the shedding (around my hairline). It did. But months later I really regretted that move. I've had the darndest time trying to transition again.

My advice: don't do anything drastic! It'll stop eventually.

Here's a picture of my shedding: http://public.fotki.com/shelli4018/post-partum-shedding/shedding.html
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Check out the thread on shedding. I posted info there during this discussion before about a product that Dominicans used on my hair that stopped my postpartum shedding cold in its tracks. I don't know where to get it from today, but it worked. HTH
Just wanted to add to keep taking your prenatal vits for a while until your hormones normalize. I agree with the other ladies that pp shedding is normal and you will be just fine.
amr501 said:
Just wanted to add to keep taking your prenatal vits for a while until your hormones normalize. I agree with the other ladies that pp shedding is normal and you will be just fine.

I agree, it happened to me too, my doctor told me to take my prenatal (the one with prescription) and it was going to be better. It really helped. And calm down you do not need more stress right now, is not good for you, your baby or your hair. This too shall pass :)
Hi ladies:wave:, thanks so much for all the advice and information, I really appreciate it. I guess I can calm down now since it is normal. I will do a search on it to get more information.

shelli4018, thanks for sharing your picture and your hair does not look bad at all its so thick and I love the color:yep:.

I have one more question if you don't mind, after you ladies went through your postpartum shedding did your hair seem thinner or shorter?

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sweetcoco said:
Hi ladies:wave:, thanks so much for all the advice and information, I really appreciate it. I guess I can calm down now since it is normal. I will do a search on it to get more information.

shelli4018, thanks for sharing your picture and your hair does not look bad at all its so thick and I love the color:yep:.

I have one more question if you don't mind, after you ladies went through your postpartum shedding did your hair seem thinner or shorter?


It was thinner (not much though) for a little while, but then I got a growth spurt and the fullness rebounded quickly :)
Just keep giving it tlc and you'll be fine!
la flaca said:
I agree, it happened to me too, my doctor told me to take my prenatal (the one with prescription) and it was going to be better. It really helped. And calm down you do not need more stress right now, is not good for you, your baby or your hair. This too shall pass :)

OT: Your hair is sooooo pretty! :love:
amr501 said:
It was thinner (not much though) for a little while, but then I got a growth spurt and the fullness rebounded quickly :)
Just keep giving it tlc and you'll be fine!

Thanks for replying!;)
shedding happend to me, too after my second birth. i would shed handfuls of hair every day! i cried to my husband that i was going to go bald! my stylist at the time used protein treatments on my hair and it did the trick for me. the treatments lessened my shedding and my edges eventually grew back in.

keep your head up...this is just another one of those badges of honor that mothers are so blessed to have! congratulations and your baby is beautiful!
DenverGirl said:
shedding happend to me, too after my second birth. i would shed handfuls of hair every day! i cried to my husband that i was going to go bald! my stylist at the time used protein treatments on my hair and it did the trick for me. the treatments lessened my shedding and my edges eventually grew back in.

keep your head up...this is just another one of those badges of honor that mothers are so blessed to have! congratulations and your baby is beautiful!

Thank you, my baby is so spoiled!:lol:

Anyway, you went through lots of shedding hugh, I guess I need to stop complaining because the shedding that I have is just long strands withe the white bulb that I see in the comb or hanging from my hair. I wash/cowash alot so i dunno how much hair i loose while doing so.:ohwell: I wonder if I need to stop washing and cowashing so often. boy o boy, decisions decisions.:look:
Girl...we're in the same boat! At this point I don't even attempt to comb my hair w/o sitting next to a trash can! I still check every strand to make sure the bulb is on the end. The only good thing about it is that my hair was way too thick when I was pregnant, so at least it's a little more managebale now.

We'll get through it. Hopefully it won't last too long.:)
Hair Peace said:
Girl...we're in the same boat! At this point I don't even attempt to comb my hair w/o sitting next to a trash can! I still check every strand to make sure the bulb is on the end. The only good thing about it is that my hair was way too thick when I was pregnant, so at least it's a little more managebale now.

We'll get through it. Hopefully it won't last too long.:)

Hi Hair Peace :wave:

Women go through alot, I was kind of unsure if the shedding was because of my hair being so underproccessed or if it was post partum shedding. I gave myself a relaxer/corrective and the shedding has almost stopped so I guess it was both.:look: