Just when I hit BSL...Transition?


Well-Known Member
:lachen: I know, I know, I'm being unduly influenced by all these beautiful naturals (with much curlier hair than mine) but I came on this forum thinking I was trying to get my hair to BSL. I was 3 months post relaxer, and when I got relaxed, my hair was at the top of my bra strap! So, I'm basically there, give it another 2 - 3 months and I'm definitively there...so...what's next? I have no desire to go WL (too much to deal with) and I'm not 100% happy with my hair now that my post-partum shedding has thinned it out to it's original thinness.

The last time I transitioned I didn't use any curly hair products, just manipulation and a glycerine based holding product for texturized styles. Am I just having curl envy? I keep trying to keep hope alive that the right product will make my hair curl, wishful thinking? LOL I said I would wait until I get pg again, b/c the need for a relaxer went down to 0 while I was pg for some odd reason. But I also know my stylist maintains that I don't need a perm b/c my hair goes straight when he sets and blowdries. So...I mean, I could start now...
See, I thought I could drum up the appropriate amount of encouragement from my sisters in follicles! In the few weeks I've been on this forum, I've learned 10 times more than I ever knew the last time I transitioned. It could be great this time, it really could! :D
Armed with experience and knowledge, I think you can do it!!!

So you've transitioned before? There is so much knowledge on this board that you didn't have the privilege of having last time you transitioned. I would be in hog heaven if I could get my hair rollerset (as a natural) and it came out straight.

Whatever you decide (but my money is on transitioning!!!) you know we will be behind you 110%

Armed with experience and knowledge, I think you can do it!!!

So you've transitioned before? There is so much knowledge on this board that you didn't have the privilege of having last time you transitioned. I would be in hog heaven if I could get my hair rollerset (as a natural) and it came out straight.

Whatever you decide (but my money is on transitioning!!!) you know we will be behind you 110%


Uh-oh, one of my "Hair Idols" has spoken!:worship2: I must defer to your expertise madame! Thanks!
I'm in the same boat! I finally made bra starp! Just realized it becasue I bun so much! NOW I want to transition to natural! AWWW LAWD! But I am excited! Let's be transitioning buddies. I am just 1 month post. I will be LONG transitioining without the BC, so I definitely need encouragement and inspiration!!!!
I think it's great that you want to experience your natural hair texture! If you aren't ready to make a commitment just see how long you can go without a relaxer (stretch). Hold off on your next relaxer by 2-3 weeks, and then after that another 2-3weeks. People never really have to much of an "issue" until it gets to about 6-9 months and you have a wonderful resource of women on the board to help you through that period and beyond
I foresee that 95% of the women on this board will be natural by 2015. lol Go ahead and DO IT!!!!! I can't even think about ever relaxing again! That's how great it is.
When I transitioned I did a mini chop and then cut again at APL because I was falling in love with the length. I knew I had to do it because to cut it at BSL was going to make me cry LOL

If you feel ready to transition, I say go for it! There's no better time than the present!
I cut my APL hair but it was worth the sacrifice. My hair is longer and healthier now.
Oh please count me in as well!
I am still new to LHCF (after lurking and creepin around for about 4 months) and my primary goal was to stop relaxing every 6 weeks (bad, i know :nono:) and bump it up to 8+ for longer healthier hair. Well... after a month, to my suprise I realized that I was already slightly past brastrap. How & when this happened?.. I still do not know.

You ladies have truly inspired me to find out exactly how God intended for my hair to be. I just cannot picture myself going on with the rest of my life never knowing what my natural hair looks like!

Will I go through with it...well....this decision is still giving me a headache.:whyme: