Just wanted to share a story


Well-Known Member
My mum knows im caring for my hair better now and although she thinks its good used to tell me washing my hair often was bad. Now shes just accepted it. She also doesnt listen to my advice on deep conditioning, moisturizing, using the blow dryer, she just thinks hair just grows and that deep conditioning etc. are unecessary. (i think she believes this coz shes always had fast growing hair).

Well anyway she basically doesnt listen to any tips Ive learnt on this board. A few days ago I saw she had taken out this relaxer base (i think it was called) that she'd had frm ages ago when she used to relax and i thought she was going to relax again, (shes natural) so i asked her and she said no she was reading the ingredients on it and it looked like it would be good to put on her scalp. I read the ingredients, PETROLATUM and MINERAL OIL. That was all.

So I told her that they were in fact not good for the scalp at all and they block your scalp. she was horrified and was like why do they put it in so many products then? I told her because its cheap. she told me to throw the relaxer base away.

It surprised me that she actually listened to my advice on hair for once and also reminded me of how misinformed so many women are on hair care. B4 this board I used to purposely look for products with mineral oil in them coz i thought it was good for our hair. Also, as for those people who keep knocking your hair care practices, ignore them and keep doing what your doing. you never know, they might surprise you one day and actually take your advice.

Just bored and wanted to share. xxx
Yay! Im glad she listened to you. Her hair will be thriving if she continues taking your advice. [I've have seen my mom use a leave-in which is progress, now if only I could get her to stop coloring and relaxing so often :sad:.]
Nice story...I'm glad she listened to you.

One of my aunts is finally starting to listen to what I tell her. Well she's always listened. She's just never followed.
Child--she has a curl. So she'd run out of Nouveau--and was using my Olive Oil Sheen and what I strongly suspect to be....GREASE on her hair!

I had a mild conniption!
I thought I'd purged the house of the Grease!
Yet--there it was....some yellowish mess in a triangular shaped container.

I was like,
"Mimi, what are you doing? Don't use this on your hair. The only thing you need is that Wave Nouveau Conditioner and spray. And this is just sheen...it's not adding anything to your hair...it just makes it appear lustrous."

She was like, "Oh...ok." God bless her--Mimi is soon to be 71 in June.