just wanted to let that out


New Member
most if not all of here want longer stronger hair.But how many of us have the patience and commitment in doing so.since joining this board I was in search of the truth which to me was a secret that was just to be told.I mean a some magic potion that only long hair people know about,but the truth was that I was just never patient or committed enough to giving my hair the special attention and being gentle,I would find a good product and after two uses hope that a better product would arrieve on the market for me to try.Most of the times I would end up with setbacks instead of progress.Now I have decided that if I am going to do this I am going to do it right.My sister does nothing but the basic stuff to her hair once she has found a mild shampoo, a moisturizing conditioner and a conditioner concentrated with proteins,she is set, I on the other hand am always trying to find the best produts that will make my hair grow faster,while hers grow mine like I said have set backs because of my continual experiments.My commiment to my self is patience is a virtue and to all the ladies that have attained their lenghts I in want to hate on you.You were patient and for that I have nothing but respect for you. To the ladies with hair as short as mine be patient kind and gentle to your hair,and lets do it right with the help of the pros from lhcf
How short is your hair,prettygirl.It can't be as short as mine>I think I have the shortest hair on this board except for ladies who prolly deliberately cut their hair in a short cut.My hair is to the nape of my neck.I guess about 7 inches.
Well I guess we are around the same then.No real difference between 6 and 7.lol
I seriously thought I was the only one at this length tho.It is nice to know I am not alone.
Good luck growing!!
Prettygirl, I completely agree. Simplicity is usually the best thing for the hair to flourish.

PJism sounds funny but actually it's serious when you think that it may be hindering a healthier hair growth state. Time and time again, those I meet with the best heads of hair have the simplest routines. Its often like that with skin care too for the face. Less is more approach...
prettygirl, your post echos my sentiments exactly!
I appreciate the women here so much!

And BTW brownrelaxedhair,
your hair is absolutely georgous!
Prettygirl, I completely agree. Simplicity is usually the best thing for the hair to flourish.

PJism sounds funny but actually it's serious when you think that it may be hindering a healthier hair growth state. Time and time again, those I meet with the best heads of hair have the simplest routines. Its often like that with skin care too for the face. Less is more approach...

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I so agree with you on this! There were plenty of times when I tried new stuff on my hair only to end up going back to what I know works. For me less is best. When I start doing to much I notice my hair and my MIND suffer.
Well said!

I was thinking the same thing as I was coming home from product shopping yesterday. This craziness has got to stop. Time for rehab!!!
Here, here. I agree. That's why I decided to go with SherryLove's regimen. It's simple and I didn't have to spend time trying to figure out what chemicals were safe or not safe. Simplicity may make the committment easier.
When I start doing to much I notice my hair and my MIND suffer.

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this is too true! part of what is so frustrating is the setbacks. and for me, they usually come as a result of some experiment gone wrong. now it almost takes an act of congress for me to change anything major about my regime.

prettygirl and katie, don't worry about where you are right now. focus on where you're going, and remember almost ALL of us started with shorter hair. otherwise we wouldn't be here. my hair strands were 3" - 5" back in 2000. so i also felt out of place when i joined my first hair board. patience is the hardest thing, but i'm here to tell you that it does pay off!!
Re: just wanted to let that out

You both are not alone my hair is about 7" as well. However, I'm very patient.
Re: just wanted to let that out

I have the shortest hair on here. I have been growing out my hair natural since the end of october. its about 5 inches now. I figure If I not stare at my hair every 5 minutes and take my vitamins and take care of my hair, it will grow in no time. I have to be patient but looking at everyone else on the board, i am encouraged.
Re: just wanted to let that out

dammit man!
brownrelaxedhair-that is my sentiments exactly. kiss-keep it simple (you fill in the blank
) having a simple and successful routine was my objective and i've reached it
Re: just wanted to let that out

dammit man!
brownrelaxedhair-that is my sentiments exactly. kiss-keep it simple (you fill in the blank
) having a simple and successful routine was my objective and i've reached it

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Keep It Simple Sweetie! K.I.S.S.

Thanks for the words of encouragement, Prettygirl!
Re: just wanted to let that out

I don't know if you've had the chance to read this yet but I found it quite interesting. It's a thread entittled "Look what I found!!!" it gives alot of post from a member named Yvette who was successful in growing her from shoulder length to almost waist length in buns. Her method can be modified and applied to all. Here is the thread...check it out:

Here, here. I agree. That's why I decided to go with SherryLove's regimen. It's simple and I didn't have to spend time trying to figure out what chemicals were safe or not safe. Simplicity may make the committment easier.

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Please do share. What is the Sherrylove regimen? Is there a link?

I just wanted to tell you that I love your hair!!!! You've totally inspired me to stay on my goal of obtaining long hair.