just want to say thank you to all the members


New Member
(A little long)I can not put a value on all the advice i have received in this board the past two months. My hair has never felt better. My hair use to knot and come out because i did not rinse after exercising. Now with a little light conditioning rinse, and some olive oil will do the trick. Even though sometimes it takes long because i have to divide my hair in each section, and i did not realize how much it grew. Not that i am complaining or anything. Just added the olive oil. It literally reduced my shrinkage and made my hair feel so soft. i was in amazement. I wished i have found you a few months ago when my ends were near perfect. I know i would not have as much breakage as i had. But i glad i know now what to do when exericising, shampooing, conditioning, etc. I am not afraid to workout anymore because of hair. That is a big deal for me since i love to be active. I still do not have a full routine yet, but my hair has never been better at this length. Usually hair would have just knotted and broken off. Then i would had to get a trim that is really cut. i have a trimmer happy stylist. lol I think i have finally reached my hair goal of lower mid-back. I do not think I want waist length for now because i feel i not look right with it. My next goal is grow my hair out the again the same way with virtual no split ends. My ends are not bad now, but they could be better. I do dust them sometimes. Sorry for the long post and rant. I just had to get this out and thank everyone.
Hi Steph,

That's so nice to hear. It's great that there's so much support on our little forum. Happy growing!
Steph, I'm so glad your happy now with a routine. I know exactly how you feel. Before finding this board, I was in a dilema with how to look after my relaxed hair while working out. It started to break and shed and I knew it was the excessive sweating but I didn't know how to look after it and it was turning into a real dilema. For some reason I never thought of just rinsing it. I thought it would dry it out to wash/rinse after every workout and so I"d wash it every other workout or less and I'd actually work out less because of my hair

Now its nice to feel free to workout as often as I please and end with a 'nourishing' conditioner wash and virgin olive oil (I use this too). Before working out today, I put hot olive oil on the mid part to ends, pinned the hair in and let the body heat work with the olive oil and did the conditioner wash after working out and sat in the steam room with the conditioner on for a while first. These are things I never thought to do before.

Reading your post made me think how I was. Keep up the good work! Hair CAN thrive from exercising.
I agree with you all. I never thought about rinsing or shampooing after I exercised...and my hair was in such bad shape...I was looking every where but there. My sides always grew slowing are quickly catching up with the back. This forum has been really helpful...