Just want to say hello...


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone! This is my first post on LHCF so I'm rather excited. I've been reading all the new posts as well as archives for around the last two months so I would just like to give a collective thank you for all of the great advice and tips that I gotten--on this board alone!

Although I have always had a decent amount of hair growing up (past my shoulders quite thick) when I was 16, I was diagnosed with juvenille rhuemetoid athritis and the meds sent my hair into a straight LIMBO! Gone were the thick and soft stands of hair I had. It just got really thin, you know?

I guess you can say that my hair never really recovered from my being sick for that 5 months or so in my teens. I kind of just let it be. Then when I was 19 years old, I got a job as a flight attendant for a private airline that flew around celebrities and many sport teams. The airlines are very heavy about your personal appearance being "tight" so I decided to use weave as a "supplement" to give my hair that nice polished look that the airline liked. Nothing fancy, just very natural looking. I also didn't glue, I sewed in all over. My friend who did my hair really worked wonders because no one EVER believed that I was wearing a weave when I told them(they literally had to feel the tracks and they'd be like wow!)
Anyway, this started becoming very addictive for me to the point where I would be taking my weave out Sunday morning and putting a fresh one in that night. I would always try to maintain it the best that I could. But the lack of care that I was giving to my natural hair underneath was just shamefully ridiculous.

Well, I'll just put it like this ladies-- In September I decided that was it--no more weave. And I am now 25! So that's like almost six years of torment to my precious hair! I hate to sound like a recovering addict but I felt so fake wearing all of that weave all these years and I just wanted to be me, ya know?

So I went to my sisters trusted stylist and he took me in and helped me. My hair was waaay past my shoulders but needless to say it wasn't in the best condition. He chopped off a few inches so here I am... Weaveless for close to 5 months now! I will admit that I have been having trouble controlling breakage, but honestly say that is why I am on this board so much. To find solutions and suggestions to common hair problems. I know that with some patience and guidance I will get to where I need to be. Sorry this is so long, but that you for taking the time out to read. I look foward to talking with you ladies!
Such a nice hair story. I love this board too, and you'll be controlling that breakage in no time. My sister use to be like you when it came to weave...taking it out Sunday afternoon and putting new ones in come Sunday evening. Worse for her was that she was gluing. Anyhoo, I'm glad you decided to post and good luck on your hair journey.
welcome to the board, miss jetsetter! and thanks for sharing your story! i'm sure your hair will benefit very nicely from the advice that you get from the board.

how are you wearing your hair on a daily basis now?
I enjoyed reading your story. I used to wear weave extensions in the back of my hair for years. I also wore individual braids that I spent a grip on, but they were well worth it. I kept my hair "tight" too. However, I always felt a little fake and wanted to wear my own hair. I know where you're coming from. I learned so much from UBH Publications and this forum and I have managed to grow mid-back length hair. I too experience shedding and breakage, but I learned that the only way to combat breakage is by deep conditioning with a conditioner that stimulates, lubricates and conditions. This MUST be done at least twice a week for 20-30 minutes. I neglected deep conditionings for months experienced a gang of breakage. Now I'm in the process of deep conditioning and my breakage is subsiding. You might want to give this a try for a couple of months and see what happens. I wish you much success on your hair care journey. -Dutchess-

That was a great hairstory. Why don't you tell us your hair regime, so maybe we can get to the source of your breakage.
Welcome Miss Jettsetter! You will find many here who have this same story. Be patient, stay dedicated and put your hair's health first. Very Best Wishes!! We're cheering for you!
Welcome aboard jet
. I left the sew-ins behind in December...and don't I plan on ever going back.
Stick around here and you will be back to healthy hair in no time.
Hi Ladies--

Well, I know that I don't post much (I'm always in the air!) but I did want to say thank you to the people who did respond with the words of encouragement.

I recently changed airlines (I'm with the ballers now--yea!!!) and I was away in training for a month. Well, that alone was stressful, So I could hardly give my hair the TLC that it needed. When I returned home a week and a half ago, I was soooo disgusted with my ends even though I had them trimmed a month and a half ago. My hair (was) about two inches past my shoulders and I went to my stylist and told him to cut it an inch below my ears. He looked at me as though I had just lost my mind and told me that he didn't think that much length needed to be elimimated. I kind of gave him a look and I thnk he got the picture.

ANYWAY... The cut came out terrific. This is the shortest my hair has ever been in my life! That is how I knew that I was finally growing up because when I was younger, I was sooooo attached to my hair-- i didn't want any scissors near it! It's almost as though I felt as though my hair defined me because ya'll know that back in the day, ain't nobody (who was 100% black) had long, flowing hair!
But as I got older, I saw that if you did not take care of it, you would pay for it later... So here I am now staring from scratch. I'll try to post pictures!
Welcome Jetsetter! FYI: I have experience breakage in the past and used Aphoghee Hair Treatment from Sally's and it stopped breakage/shedding instantly. It smells to high heaven and you need to use a good moisturizing conditioner and a good leave-in after, but it is worth it if you want to give it a try. Follow the directions though, it dries hard on your hair under the dryer.