Just want to encourage you...


Well-Known Member
Hey ladies I was just thinking and reflecting on how good GOD has been and wanted to encourage you all. The past 3 years have been hard on me in so many areas and I believe the devil was trying to prevent me from stepping into my calling. But through it all, GOD has brought me through and I love HIM even more. Whenever I go through trials and tribulations, it reminds me that I am human and never old, wise, or strong enough to not need GOD. It is during those times that I am humbled by GOD's power and thankful that HE loves HIS children. Even now I am going through a situation in which I will be having surgery, GOD has given me sweet peace and has blessed me. My mom whom I had been praying for, for years called me last week and told me she had given her life to CHRIST. Many did not believe it would happen because my mom is so strong willed and stubborn but I continued to pray. It has been long but so worth it because now she can see how great her life is now with GOD. I can go on and on about the blessings and the miracles HE has given me but I just want to leave you with this scripture:
Psalm 34:19 A righteous man may have many troubles,
but the LORD delivers him from them all
Be encouraged everyone, we serve an AWESOME GOD!!! Q
Thanks for sharing...it's awesome to see God's mighty power at work in our lives! May you have a speedy recovery from your surgery:Rose:. Blessings!
Queeny's post appears to be from 2006 but it was powerful back then and still is today. I needed a reminder of how AWESOME out God is and how He can work miracles in our lives. ~Thanks
thanks q
we needed that