Just updated my fotki


Well-Known Member
Just finished updating my fotki. Must be logged in for comments. Hope you enjoy! My fotki is in my siggy.
Maybe later on i will add pics from my vacation i just came back from. We took a carnival cruise. We got to see the bahamas, caymon islands and jamaica!
Your hair has been growing nicely. I love the thickness of your rod sets. :grin: Make me want one again but this hair of mine is staying put away for the winter.

Keep up the good work!!
Your hair has been growing nicely. I love the thickness of your rod sets. :grin: Make me want one again but this hair of mine is staying put away for the winter.

Keep up the good work!!

Wow, thank you! I've never though of that! They are thick and full, huh? If i could just get thet thickness in my over all head i would be soo happy! I've made progress but i still have along way to go. In do time, in do time...
Your hair looks great. I really like that color too.

And the rod set looks so good! I need to try that.
beautiful.. I love how healthy it look..

you have a nice little shape.. cant wait to get mine back :look: