Just Stand...


The Credit Countess
When you can do nothing else just stand. When you have cried and prayed and done all that you can do JUST STAND.

Right now my sisters all I can do is stand. As many of your known I got a new car in May because my old one died and I live in a town where you need not want a car. If you are a two family house you need two cars. Anyway, my first payment was do in July and I still don't have it. I have tried to borrow the money and have gotten a brick wall everywhere I have turned so far. All I hear right now is to stand. I hear I got this just stand a little while longer.

Now I know that God didn't give me this car to take it away because he is not an indian giver and I know it was God who blessed me with the car and open the door when there didn't seem to be a way to get it open, so I know that this is his blessing, so now all I can do is STAND, Let go and let God. He is my strenght, my hope and my salvation. I don't even know where the blessing is going to come from all I know that is it coming. I'm going to STAND and wait on the Lord. I know that without a test there isn't a testomony so I know I am going throught this (not having any money, barely being able to pay bills and just struggling for no reason) to be a blessing to someone, to tell someone to just STAND. HE is right there, HE knows what you are going throught and just like the 3 jewish boys in the old testmont I (we) will come thought the fire without a scratch on us, so the word of God says that we have to be put in the fire to come out as pure gold.

It will be alright. JUST STAND
I have been exactly where you are and I am a witness that there is nothing too hard for God. I will be praying for you. Be encouraged.
I have just said a prayer for you. Thank you for your encouragment, I have just failed my driving test for the 6th time, I'm so discouraged and part of me wants to give up, but I can't because I need to have a car for my job. Anyway, I will keep going and trust God that He will bring me through in due time.
Don't worry about your driving test. You have other chances and God (including the forum) believes in you.
sithembile said:
I have just said a prayer for you. Thank you for your encouragment, I have just failed my driving test for the 6th time, I'm so discouraged and part of me wants to give up, but I can't because I need to have a car for my job. Anyway, I will keep going and trust God that He will bring me through in due time.

Don't you dare give up!
sithembile said:
I have just said a prayer for you. Thank you for your encouragment, I have just failed my driving test for the 6th time, I'm so discouraged and part of me wants to give up, but I can't because I need to have a car for my job. Anyway, I will keep going and trust God that He will bring me through in due time.

I had to take my driving test 5 times before getting my license so I know how you feel. Be encouraged! The Lord might be saving you from something by delaying your license. It will all fall into place in God's time.
RabiaElaine said:
I had to take my driving test 5 times before getting my license so I know how you feel. Be encouraged! The Lord might be saving you from something by delaying your license. It will all fall into place in God's time.

So true, thats my motto when things arent going right for me....Its a time, a reason, and a season for ALL things.

Im standing w/ u, waiting on my breakthrough......