Just shaved my head


New Member
Hello - I am new on the forum - I have been here before but not 'seriously'.

Today, after much thought, I shaved my head. Number one cut with clippers. The poor hairdresser kept on asking 'are you sure, are you sure' lol. But I definitely was. I did not shave it only because of the sorry state of my hair, but also because it represents a new start.

I am wearing a wig over it because my husband was not happy about the whole thing and that's the compromise we reached, but right now I am alone at home running my fingers over my prickly head :-)

It feels very strange. I got home, took a shower & washed it with conditioner only, to get rid of the clippings, then put some tea tree & almond oil on my scalp then some leave in conditioner.

I have just started reading the science of black hair - just finished the forewords and am now on the first page.

Am feeling very excited
I want to put a picture in but not sure how to. It will only let me do urls but I have it on my computer.
here is one. I have always been self conscious about my head... it is small, lots of corners etc but right now I don't mind any of that


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OMG!! You are too cute with those earrings.

Since you are starting out on a positive note, I know you will enjoy the journey. Starting "from scratch", so to speak, will give you a chance to get to know your hair and know what it likes and dislikes.

Also, WELCOME to the forum! Glad you're here!
I think it is cute. I think it'll be even cuter once it fills in just a bit, prob take a week or two. Also, ain't nothing wrong with your head shape. I think the cut is very becoming on you.

I did the bald cut too. I wore wigs to work and when we were going out somewhere, b/c I was just still a bit self-conscious and because I didn't want the people at my job all up in my head. I did wear it out a few times though when we were running errands and what not and it wasn't bad. I think after a month or two, once I had the tiniest semblance of a twa, I chucked that wig and rocked it.

Keep us posted on your progress.
Congrats on your fresh start. I enjoyed my shaved head for the little time it lasted :yep:

I'm excited for you and your healthy start.
Girl you look great I also shaved for a new beginning 22 months ago. Every inch your hair journey will bring you closer to understnding your hair :)
Congrats! I did the same two days ago.. Mine isnt shaved though, I have a teeny twa. I have it braided right now though, just to get some parts to grow out even. I cant wait to get to know my hair.
You look so stunning!
I shaved my head when I was 14, so I know how it feels to have it and be excited yet scared.
Honestly, i wish when I did shave my head I hadn't hid it under wigs so much and just rocked it like nobody's business, that's my only regret.
Chioniso you're beautiful without hair! :love: Do you really have to grow it? :pray: Must you? :( Can't we just let it grow on hubby? :ohwell:

Fine, grow it if you must. But please take lots of pics and make a portfolio of glam shot of you as you are now. I LOVE IT!!!

I think you'll have a blast in your hair journey coz you'll be starting with hair that hasn't had any damage or experienced mediocre haircare.
wow, this is my exact story 4 months ago. I shaved my head after struggling to take a sew-in out. So i shaved it out lol!! I was happy to have a new start, but I had mixed emotions about having no hair. hubby hated it, so I've been wigging it since then. After about a month of so of hiding my hair from my hubby, I finally revealed it to him. So trust me he will get over it, I still haven't reveal my twa to the public, because i am still very insecure about it. you will be happy, you did this.
Wow, your new do makes your eyes pop beautifully. Makes them kinda striking. That's a really good look on you. :yep:
Gorgeous! Really suits your head/features. Wish I was so brave I may end up divorced but yeah I'd have a new look:lol:
here is one. I have always been self consciouse about my head... it is small, lots of corners etc but right now I don't mind any of that

Honey you are GORGEOUS!!! Not everyone can get away with a look like that but you pull it off in the most beautiful way!!! Keep up the good work!! Congrats!! :yep::yep:
Congratulations:lachen: that takes a lot of courage...

Also when one shaves their heads in my opinion it's time to now accentuate your eyes play up with makeup and most importantly keep those eyebrows on point, and big earrings. My sister cut her hair to "Start from scratch," so It's honestly a wonderful experience because you now, get to learn what products really work with your hair.
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