Just Shave It?


Well-Known Member
I've been debating on if I should shave my nape for a while now. No matter what I do, or how well the rest of my hair thrives, it never grows. Even the growth aids and massages I've been doing forever don't seem to help.

I've been debating if I should just get it shaved and start all over in that area, or just keep it edged up.

My nape doesn't seem to grow either. I just leave it alone and gel it up. I don't shave because it would look weird when I wear a bun or ponytail.
sorry .. that was not constructive

I noticed in your avi .. you like to pop your collar .. can that be a reason ?? (i'm just kidding. but can it ? )

Is it a different texture from the rest of your hair ? My nape is more tightly coiled than the rest of my hair and I realised when I was relaxed that I would either use a thicker conditioner and a thicker moisturiser there, while I was able to use a spray moisturiser all over.

Also , if I was baggying , i would baggy that area of my hair separate.

How do you wear your hair most days ? ponytails ? How high does the nape go ?

If you shave it ...how are you going to wear your hair and what are you going to do to ensure it grows out different ?
It's an entirely different texture. Coarse, and more prone to breakage. I baby it a lot by using more oil and moisturizers in that area more frequently. And although I pop my collar, I don't leave it up long enough to cause damage. I also pin a silk scarf to my coat and jacket collars, as well as sleep in a silk/satin scarf and on a satin pillow. It's never grown my whole life though.

I've seen women with shaved and tapered napes, and if done the right way I find it to look nice. Just trying to see if anyone here as explored that option for their own struggling nape.

Depending on how it looks on me, I will determine if I'll try to regrow that area or continue to get it tapered.