Just sharing a tip for all the sulfur users

Miss AJ

New Member
I know it smells horrible when mixed with oil and that was my reasoning for stopping the oil massages but I remembered reading that sulfur powder is water soluble...so now I just mix a teaspoon to a teaspoon and a half into my leave-in sprays to get my daily growth aid use in. So far it is working, at least I think so. I had cornrows and a twist out for 1 week and that whole time I was spritzing twice a day with my water/mane n tail/sulfur mix and when I took them out my thin areas seemed a bit thicker and were easier to grasp when I did a full head twist out. I've been using it since the beginning of this month and the thin areas aren't completely filled in yet but they are making progress.

ETA: No matter how much sulfur you put in there it will NOT smell like sulfur, ask me how I know lol.
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Thanks for the tip. Do you mix the mane and tail 50/50 with the water? Also, where do you buy your sulfur? I've been afraid to try because of the smell but this just might be it!
I agree, I mix mine with EVOO, Castor and Jojoba, with a few drops or Rosemary and Peppermint Essential Oils, and I smell nothing but the Peppermint. I am almost done with this batch, when I mix another, I am gona eliminate the Peppermint, Not liking the smelling like Doublemint Gum, but in any case, the brand I use had barely any odor at all. Fairly Pleasant!
I'm glad that it worked for you, but I'm surprised..I always thought sulfur was not water soluble, unless you put some stuff in it to make it so.
why does it smell with oil but not leave-in sprays?

would it smell bad if I mixed it with a creamy leave-in?
@PinkyD I got mine from walgreen pharmacy...

If this is true, I may start using mine again, I stopped in the first place because of the odor
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uh, just in case, i would check it out again, the white msm sulfur powder is water soluble, not the yellow sublimed flowers of sulphur that we use... see these links...

Rich Distributing's MSM Powder - The Original MSM
It is a FOOD - a pure white sulfur powder. It comes from the ocean and is water soluble. Sulfonyl sulfur is found in plants, meats, dairy products, ...

Also this LHCF link that says sublimed/flowers of sulfur (what is used in mtg and other similar products) is not water-soluble...

This link says sulphur dioxide is water-soluble, but that's not what we use for hair...

This link says sublimed/flowers of sulphur is insoluble in water - See Item #9 (at least it's not a carcinogen!)

if it's working for you, go for it, but just check on it... :yep: hhg!
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Careful about the types of sulfur you buy for this because from what I learned in class wettable sulfur is the kind that is water soluble so you'll have to look for this type specifically for it. This is the type of sulfur they modify that makes it able to break down and become soluble in water.
I use the yellow sulfur and I do still have to shake up my leave-in really good so I guess it ISN'T water soluble but I still can't smell the sulfur and I put a whole lot in it just like I did my oil. When I was trying Mega Tek I mixed sulfur in it and I couldn't smell it in there either. Sorry for the misinformation about the water soluble-ness of the yellow sulfur powder.
Wher do you buy the sulfur, im interested as well!

I ordered mine from here:


But, One of our fellow Cousins just recently purchased some from CVS, O, and another Cousin said She got some from Walmart Pharmacy. Just be sure its Sublimed Sulfur, Flowers of Sulfur or Precipitated Sulfur, all of the impurities have been lifted away, and Your left with Pure Sulfur, nothing harmful.
I've seen that some use the MSM pills, they break them open, but I believe they are produced to be absored internally, I don't think the chemical breakdown would be sufficient for the scalp, It may not absorb properly. Thats just My theory, the compounding sulfur, like the Sublimed, is for topical use, so it would absorb the skin and scalp properly.
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