Just Returned From Sistah to Sistah Retreat


Well-Known Member
I am on a spiritual high! I am worn out. Tired as heck and about to go to sleep. But........ I am on a spiritual high.

Guess what yall.... I am tired of the Tomfoolery. I am going to live up to my name.


- energetic and unflagging enthusiasm, especially for a cause or idea
- fervor for a person, cause, or object; eager desire or endeavor; enthusiastic diligence; ardor

The retreat was from Friday until today.

Theme: "Women of Prayer pursuing God's power and purpose"

Psalm 143:8 and Matthew 21:22

Psalm 143:8
Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love,
for I have put my trust in you.
Show me the way I should go,
for to you I entrust my life.

Matthew 21:22
22 If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.

My plans are to go to another level in Jesus name. Keep me in prayer.
I have all these weapons and have not been using them. :nono::nono:

But guess what. I am starting a daily private praise party. True praise. It's time for me to get out of the outer courts and move into the Holy of Holies.

I don't have time for these mind games and shenanigans of the enemy. As a matter of fact, I am kind of annoyed. I am tired of all of this drama. NO MORE DRAMA.

It's a process. .... Again yall - I am gong to another level. Keep me in prayer. I am taking everything back in Jesus ' name.
I can tell you had a awesome inspirational time at the Sistah's convention. Pure joy shouting through the screen. You got me all happy over here. Congrats on your breakthrough!
Yeaaaah... Zeal, this is wonderful! Glad to hear had a powerful time with Sisters in Christ and are geared up for war! Amen...
I love you all in the forum sooooooo much.

This was my first retreat and I was actualy sponsored by the women's ministry of my church. I wrote a letter of why I wanted to attend and why I wanted to be sponsored.

This is the first time that I have attended, but not the last. I think there were about 58 people. As soon we stepped off of the bus Friday afternoon and checked in. it started. We had prayer groups. Bible trivia, More prayer, Midnight prayer. 7:00 prayer the next morning. Then all the sermons. I praised God so much that my body was shaking.

I learned to set the atmosphere and praise God down. I learned and experience that there is a difference between praise God with "all that clapping" and praising him with your mouth. We were not allowed to clap. We had to lift our hands and praise God with our mouth. ( woooooooooooooooooooooow). Tell God who he is. Praise him, adore him, thank him.

Later were told , " Ok. Now praise God with a clapping" she then said, "Do you see the difference? " Unbelieveable. Unless you are praising God with clapping + mouth praise. I can't even explain th difference yall... but it is.

I heard 3 sermons (not sermonettes) yesterday. Then there was one for the Road this morning. We lost an hour last night so I am really tired .

I just had to share my experience and T.D. Jakes used to say. Get ready, Get ready, Get ready!