Just Purchased Aveda Damaged Remedy...Help Me Out Please!


Well-Known Member
I just purchased the Aveda Damage Remedy set. I am going to wash my hair in the morning before going to rehearsal. Am I right in assuming that I use the shampoo, treatment, then the conditioner?

For those who use this system, do you use all 3 products weekly or every time you wash your hair? Please advise.

MizaniMami, help me out girl!!! :lol:
She answered how she uses it in the thread calling Mizani Mami. It is at the bottom of this page. HTH!! Please come back and post how you like it. :)
Mom23 said:
She answered how she uses it in the thread calling Mizani Mami. It is at the bottom of this page. HTH!! Please come back and post how you like it. :)


I'll try to post pictures tomorrow!
Well I use all three together. In the order of poo, treat., and con. But you don't HAVE to use it like that. If you are a more than once weekly washer you can use it like poo/treat or poo/con. It was designed for everyday use with subsituting the conditioner for the treatment once every week. But I use all three because I am conditioner greedy lol. Hope that helps.

If you washed more than once a week I would alternate between the treatment and the conditioner
MizaniMami said:
Well I use all three together. In the order of poo, treat., and con. But you don't HAVE to use it like that. If you are a more than once weekly washer you can use it like poo/treat or poo/con. It was designed for everyday use with subsituting the conditioner for the treatment once every week. But I use all three because I am conditioner greedy lol. Hope that helps.

If you washed more than once a week I would alternate between the treatment and the conditioner

Thanks, I usually only wash once a week. I Just recently started doing one conditioner wash mid week though. I will use all 3 tomorrow morning and see how it goes.

No one hear seems to use it like the Aveda ladies told me.
Shampoo - condition 3 times in a row (whether its everyday or something else)

Shampoo - treat the 4th time

No one heard this?
BTW, I'm gonna make ADR my one line, not Keracare. :D
I'm incredibly impressed with Aveda even though its an arm and a leg!
newslady said:

No one hear seems to use it like the Aveda ladies told me.
Shampoo - condition 3 times in a row (whether its everyday or something else)

Shampoo - treat the 4th time

No one heard this?
BTW, I'm gonna make ADR my one line, not Keracare. :D
I'm incredibly impressed with Aveda even though its an arm and a leg!

Yeah I stated that above. I was told that and it says that on Aveda's website. But see I only wash once per week when I heat style. So I want to reap ALL the benefits.

I don't use this on my (current) ponytail style since I have been using no heat. I'm not wasting my 'precious' on a ponytail lol.
newslady said:

No one hear seems to use it like the Aveda ladies told me.
Shampoo - condition 3 times in a row (whether its everyday or something else)

Shampoo - treat the 4th time

No one heard this?
BTW, I'm gonna make ADR my one line, not Keracare. :D
I'm incredibly impressed with Aveda even though its an arm and a leg!

Wow, they didn't tell me when I purchased this at a salon here.

Keracare is my staple...why do you like Aveda better?
divinefavor said:
Keracare is my staple...why do you like Aveda better?

Don't get me wrong, Keracare is great. My hairdresser uses it and it makes my hair feel great.
But when I used Aveda Brilliant line in grad school my hair was the bomb. No damage, no breakage.
Then I started using a combo of other things probably b/c they were cheaper. With personal stress and other stuff, my hair fell into a BAD SHAPE!

Now that I've tried the ADR line, I'm hooked to Aveda again.
For background, I have relaxed thick 4b-z texture hair.
Seriously, its some ruff stuff!!!
I'm on TV and I work out. Not too keen on getting a weave.
I shampoo/deep condition 2-3 times a week depending on my schedule.
ADR makes my hair feel repaired and moisturized at the same type.
Keracare hyrd shampoo and humecto work best RIGHT AFTER a relaxer.
Few weeks later and its back to NAP CITY.

So I'm going to go back to Aveda, almost exclusively, and make that investment in the health of my hair.
Its so much easier to find than Keracare too.
Found a good deal here with someone selling Aveda, I can go on ebay, or the mall.
Keracare had me looking on all these sites and trying to get the best deals, with all these HIGH SHIPPING COSTS.

Sorry for the rambling!
Answer your questions????
Yes you answered my questions! Thanks girl!

newslady said:
Don't get me wrong, Keracare is great. My hairdresser uses it and it makes my hair feel great.
But when I used Aveda Brilliant line in grad school my hair was the bomb. No damage, no breakage.
Then I started using a combo of other things probably b/c they were cheaper. With personal stress and other stuff, my hair fell into a BAD SHAPE!

Now that I've tried the ADR line, I'm hooked to Aveda again.
For background, I have relaxed thick 4b-z texture hair.
Seriously, its some ruff stuff!!!
I'm on TV and I work out. Not too keen on getting a weave.
I shampoo/deep condition 2-3 times a week depending on my schedule.
ADR makes my hair feel repaired and moisturized at the same type.
Keracare hyrd shampoo and humecto work best RIGHT AFTER a relaxer.
Few weeks later and its back to NAP CITY.

So I'm going to go back to Aveda, almost exclusively, and make that investment in the health of my hair.
Its so much easier to find than Keracare too.
Found a good deal here with someone selling Aveda, I can go on ebay, or the mall.
Keracare had me looking on all these sites and trying to get the best deals, with all these HIGH SHIPPING COSTS.

Sorry for the rambling!
Answer your questions????
Ok ladies, so I washed my hair with the Aveda DR this morning. I love how it makes my hair feel strong, but still soft. I did all of the steps and then I rollerset and wrapped when I took out the rollers. I used a mixture of distilled water and a little of Elucence MB Conditioner to set with. My hair doesn't have that swing to it though! Does avead have some sort of leave in or wrap foam. I'm think that I probably shouldn't have used the Elucence. I didn't want to use my Keracare wrap foam because my hair is starting not to react the same to it as it used too. I may wash and condition again with Aveda this evening or tomorrow morning and blowdry (got a new Andis 1875 dryer) and curl. I really don't want to use direct heat though for another month or so. Any suggestions?
Aveda does have a foam but it's not damage remedy. i never tried it. you can always buy some rose water add a little bit of the Aveda DR conditioner and treatment, mix good, and put in spray bottle for a leave in. I did this and my hair was very nice!
MizaniMami said:
Aveda does have a foam but it's not damage remedy. i never tried it. you can always buy some rose water add a little bit of the Aveda DR conditioner and treatment, mix good, and put in spray bottle for a leave in. I did this and my hair was very nice!

Thanks girl!!! Where can I get rose water, is there a certain brand that you use?
I just use the damage remedy conditioner since I have so many shampoos already. I like it, my hair is soft. I've only used it once though. I need to use it a few more time to really know what it is all about.

I'll look for it on ebay too! $26 for a skinny tube of conditioner y'all! :eek:
divinefavor said:
Thanks girl!!! Where can I get rose water, is there a certain brand that you use?

I got my rose water from a health foods store. Don't remeber the name. I think anything will do. If i were you I would rewash as you stated before. It may have been too much for you hair. Also try being very modest with the amount of conditioner you use. try using the minimum to get the job done . That also helps you retain conditioner and save money and makes the hair lighter.
MizaniMami said:
I got my rose water from a health foods store. Don't remeber the name. I think anything will do. If i were you I would rewash as you stated before. It may have been too much for you hair. Also try being very modest with the amount of conditioner you use. try using the minimum to get the job done . That also helps you retain conditioner and save money and makes the hair lighter.

Thanks MM!!! What's the minimum...dime size, nickel size, etc?
divinefavor said:
Ok ladies, so I washed my hair with the Aveda DR this morning. I love how it makes my hair feel strong, but still soft. I did all of the steps and then I rollerset and wrapped when I took out the rollers. I used a mixture of distilled water and a little of Elucence MB Conditioner to set with. My hair doesn't have that swing to it though! Does avead have some sort of leave in or wrap foam. I'm think that I probably shouldn't have used the Elucence. I didn't want to use my Keracare wrap foam because my hair is starting not to react the same to it as it used too. I may wash and condition again with Aveda this evening or tomorrow morning and blowdry (got a new Andis 1875 dryer) and curl. I really don't want to use direct heat though for another month or so. Any suggestions?
The Elucence used for setting is what caused this, especially with your hair being so fine. Let us know how it turns out after you redo it.
balisi said:
The Elucence used for setting is what caused this, especially with your hair being so fine. Let us know how it turns out after you redo it.

Thanks Balisi!!! I'll be coming to see you as soon as things calm down for me. My semester ends next week.
divinefavor said:
Thanks MM!!! What's the minimum...dime size, nickel size, etc?

Girl I dunno, But judging from the length of your hair in your avatar (and it's so cute btw) I would say you are shoulder length. When I apply my conditioner I part it down the middle and apply to each side at a time. So i would say a quarter size amount for each side. Make sure you thoroughly apply it good and if you just know it's not enough add about a dime size amount until you feel it in your hair. My stylist gave me this advice. She says you don't have to nec. see your hair turn white.
MizaniMami said:
Girl I dunno, But judging from the length of your hair in your avatar (and it's so cute btw) I would say you are shoulder length. When I apply my conditioner I part it down the middle and apply to each side at a time. So i would say a quarter size amount for each side. Make sure you thoroughly apply it good and if you just know it's not enough add about a dime size amount until you feel it in your hair. My stylist gave me this advice. She says you don't have to nec. see your hair turn white.

Thanks girl for the compliment and tips.
MM and Balisi!!!

I washed again last night with the Aveda DR shampoo and Conditioner. I used rosewater with a dime size of conditioner in a spray bottle as a leave in. Then rollerset, wrapped my hair and went to bed. My hair bouncy and shiny. I just had to put the flat iron to the roots on a low setting. I'm very pleased. The batteries in my digital camera went dead. I can't find any batteries her around the house. Hopefully, my hair will stay decent until I get home this evening. Thanks ladies!!