Just One of Those Days (Vent)


New Member

Maybe I am PMS-ing, but my hair kept me from going to church today. I joined this forum in June of 2006, and to be honest, I think I should have made more progress by now. I dunno. I feel like I have done everything right, but my hair isn't moving fast enough. My edges are still just as thin as when I started and the only thing that has changed is my frustration level. I HATED doing my own hair before I joined LHCF, but recognized that other people were ruining it, so I bit the bullet and started doing it myself. I can say that it seems that I may finally be getting some length, but my edges just look awful.

I have tried it all...braiding (further weakened and thinned my already terrible edges), weaving (more stress on my edges and I have this thing about "fake" hair. No one could tell it wasn't mine but I am horrified that someone may be attracted to my hair and I have to tell them it's not real. After all...I am here to grow my OWN hair), roller setting (doesn't last and takes too long. I also experience ridiculous shedding), bunning and baggying (can we say BORING!!!!!!!!!!!!). Sigh.... why won't it just grow already!!!!

Thanks for letting me vent.

Maybe I am PMS-ing, but my hair kept me from going to church today. I joined this forum in June of 2006, and to be honest, I think I should have made more progress by now. I dunno. I feel like I have done everything right, but my hair isn't moving fast enough. My edges are still just as thin as when I started and the only thing that has changed is my frustration level. I HATED doing my own hair before I joined LHCF, but recognized that other people were ruining it, so I bit the bullet and started doing it myself. I can say that it seems that I may finally be getting some length, but my edges just look awful.

I have tried it all...braiding (further weakened and thinned my already terrible edges), weaving (more stress on my edges and I have this thing about "fake" hair. No one could tell it wasn't mine but I am horrified that someone may be attracted to my hair and I have to tell them it's not real. After all...I am here to grow my OWN hair), roller setting (doesn't last and takes too long. I also experience ridiculous shedding), bunning and baggying (can we say BORING!!!!!!!!!!!!). Sigh.... why won't it just grow already!!!!

Thanks for letting me vent.

LadyBlu, :bighug:do not be discouraged. Great hair maintainance is a wretched :seesaw: .
Takes a while to get it jussssttt right. Trial and error.....then one day will be your Aha moment and it'll be mostly smooth sailing from then on. Keep the faith, it'll happen...do not give up.


Maybe I am PMS-ing, but my hair kept me from going to church today. I joined this forum in June of 2006, and to be honest, I think I should have made more progress by now. I dunno. I feel like I have done everything right, but my hair isn't moving fast enough. My edges are still just as thin as when I started and the only thing that has changed is my frustration level. I HATED doing my own hair before I joined LHCF, but recognized that other people were ruining it, so I bit the bullet and started doing it myself. I can say that it seems that I may finally be getting some length, but my edges just look awful.

I have tried it all...braiding (further weakened and thinned my already terrible edges), weaving (more stress on my edges and I have this thing about "fake" hair. No one could tell it wasn't mine but I am horrified that someone may be attracted to my hair and I have to tell them it's not real. After all...I am here to grow my OWN hair), roller setting (doesn't last and takes too long. I also experience ridiculous shedding), bunning and baggying (can we say BORING!!!!!!!!!!!!). Sigh.... why won't it just grow already!!!!

Thanks for letting me vent.
:bighug:Aww girlie it's okay!! This hair care journey takes a while, but the results are satisfying! You'll see growth soon. What are you using to grow your edges back? Have you tried MN (Miconazole Nitrate) I knwo that I have thin edges from when I had micros and I left them in for 3 months :wallbash: (I was waking up with 3 or more braids on my pillow everyday!!) My edges looked a mess, but I've been using MN off and on to help grow my edges back and it's working! I see the little peach fuzz comign allready! What's your regimen?!
Awww *hugs*
For the shedding with your roller sets, try using a garlic conditioner/serum (Alter Ego or make your own). Garlic stops shedding. I don't baggy or wear protective styles either.

I used to feel the same way before I reached bra strap (which has recently been cut to jaw length) then one day my luck changed and my hair stopped breaking and my length really set in. Here is what I learned.

(1) Don't ho your products - If you think a product is working for you, stick with it. Try to develop a product regimen and a backup. Once you've found your staple shampoo move on to pinpointing the next staple product

(2) The right moisture and protein balance is key - I was doing too much protein and not enough moisture because I didn't realize how many of my products had protein in them. Some people need more protein than others and some less. Try testing out a regimen for a month. For me, it's protein deep treatment once a month.

(3) The devil is in the details - The little things I did or didn't do while washing my hair, the way I handled my hair while combing it, etc. For example, I was often not rinsing out my shampoo well enough. With my roller sets I was not combing the hair properly and I was rolling them too tightly. Pay attention. Keep a journal if necessary.

(4) Perfect the rollerset - Go to a Dominican salon and just watch them when they set your hair. For me, it was that my conditioner wasn't moisturizing enough so my home sets came out frizzy. Once I changed conditioners and started using a chelating shampoo (to counteract hard water) my results were much better.

(5) Stop worrying - Your hair will do what it's going to do. Period.

(6) Diet - Hair growth starts from within. If your body doesn't have the proper resources than your exterior will reflect that. Make sure you have a diet that provides your body with the necessary nutrients and if it doesn't consider supplementing that with a multi vitamin or a few choice supplement specifically for growth, Biotin, etc. Make sure you're drinking enough water which aids in eliminating gunk from your system. A clogged body can't absorb, properly, the nutrients from your diet . You may even want to look into a lemon olive oil liver flush.

(7) Domincans love beans - A lot of Dominicans and Puerto Ricans (and other groups) eat a lot of beans, rice, and chicken daily. The amino acids in beans and rice form a complete protein. Protein makes the hair and nails grow strong and thick. Rather then stuffing myself with fried eggs I incorporated a lot of chicken/fish and beans and rice. I can personally attest to their benefits. Even having a side of bean stew with your meal at night or making curry lentil stew if you're not keen on cooking the beans in your rice. There are also other sources of protein.

Good luck with your hair! :yep:
:bighug:Aww girlie it's okay!! This hair care journey takes a while, but the results are satisfying! You'll see growth soon. What are you using to grow your edges back? Have you tried MN (Miconazole Nitrate) I knwo that I have thin edges from when I had micros and I left them in for 3 months :wallbash: (I was waking up with 3 or more braids on my pillow everyday!!) My edges looked a mess, but I've been using MN off and on to help grow my edges back and it's working! I see the little peach fuzz comign allready! What's your regimen?!

Thanks for the response. I started using MN all over at the beginning of the year, and I just don't have the patience to do that every couple of days, so now I am just using it on the damaged areas and hoping for results. I just started this in February, so the jury is still out as to if this works. How long did it take for your hair to start filling in? (DARN THOSE MICROS!!!!)

As for my reggie... I have simplified it because I am sick of messing with my hair. I conditioner wash once a week with NTM daill deep conditioner and baggie and bun. On the weekends, I wash and DC with ORS hair mayonnaise then pin it right back up. If I feel like it, I will roller set, but by the end of the day all of my curls are GONE!!! I clarify once a month and do a "hard" protein treatment every 6 weeks. My fine strands didn't like aphogee, so I just mix Hair Mayonnaise with an egg and leave it on for about 2 hours. I then f/u with ORS Replenishing Pak and baggy and bun. I am trying to keep manipulation to a minimumm to stop the shedding.
Awww *hugs*
For the shedding with your roller sets, try using a garlic conditioner/serum (Alter Ego or make your own). Garlic stops shedding. I don't baggy or wear protective styles either.

I used to feel the same way before I reached bra strap (which has recently been cut to jaw length) then one day my luck changed and my hair stopped breaking and my length really set in. Here is what I learned.

(1) Don't ho your products - If you think a product is working for you, stick with it. Try to develop a product regimen and a backup. Once you've found your staple shampoo move on to pinpointing the next staple product

(2) The right moisture and protein balance is key - I was doing too much protein and not enough moisture because I didn't realize how many of my products had protein in them. Some people need more protein than others and some less. Try testing out a regimen for a month. For me, it's protein deep treatment once a month.

(3) The devil is in the details - The little things I did or didn't do while washing my hair, the way I handled my hair while combing it, etc. For example, I was often not rinsing out my shampoo well enough. With my roller sets I was not combing the hair properly and I was rolling them too tightly. Pay attention. Keep a journal if necessary.

(4) Perfect the rollerset - Go to a Dominican salon and just watch them when they set your hair. For me, it was that my conditioner wasn't moisturizing enough so my home sets came out frizzy. Once I changed conditioners and started using a chelating shampoo (to counteract hard water) my results were much better.

(5) Stop worrying - Your hair will do what it's going to do. Period.

(6) Diet - Hair growth starts from within. If your body doesn't have the proper resources than your exterior will reflect that. Make sure you have a diet that provides your body with the necessary nutrients and if it doesn't consider supplementing that with a multi vitamin or a few choice supplement specifically for growth, Biotin, etc. Make sure you're drinking enough water which aids in eliminating gunk from your system. A clogged body can't absorb, properly, the nutrients from your diet . You may even want to look into a lemon olive oil liver flush.

(7) Domincans love beans - A lot of Dominicans and Puerto Ricans (and other groups) eat a lot of beans, rice, and chicken daily. The amino acids in beans and rice form a complete protein. Protein makes the hair and nails grow strong and thick. Rather then stuffing myself with fried eggs I incorporated a lot of chicken/fish and beans and rice. I can personally attest to their benefits. Even having a side of bean stew with your meal at night or making curry lentil stew if you're not keen on cooking the beans in your rice. There are also other sources of protein.

Good luck with your hair! :yep:

Awww! You're so sweet! The funny thing is, I have been a fitness competitor for years, so with my diet and water intake, I should have hair to my knees by now!:lachen:. Due to my exercise regimen, I am consuming at least 100 grams of protein a day (either from supplements or low-fat sources) and I drink a gallon of water every day. I think my reggie is pretty much locked down. I learned early in the game that keeping it simple will work bese for me. Maybe I'm just impatient. I really think the edges thing has got me down. It looks kinda silly to have hair down your back and bald edges. Thanks for the advice. I may try the garlic idea. I haven't gotten a handle on my shedding in two years. I'm willing to try anything.