Just got great tip for detangling thick, unrelaxed, mid back hair


New Member
I don't know why I didn't think of this sooner. But I found a great tip. Braid hair in 4 sections BEFORE washing. Wash, condition, add leave in. THEN take down braids to dry. That way detangling is supposed to be super fast and easy. I'm going to try that tonight. I hope this works..it takes me about an hour just to detangle right now.
Yeah, I washed my hair in braided sections during my transition. I would take each braid down to detangle under water with a D4 and then braid it right back up. I braided in six sections. It took me about 30 minutes to wash, detangle and add a leave-in. I didn't have any tangle problems as a result.
yep, I have always loved this method of hair washing. It cuts down on hairs lost during the process, and helps with the detangling afterward --definitely a must have in my regimen.
yes, this is my favorite way to wash my hair. I wouldnt be able to detangle my thick massive bushy natural hair so smoothly and quickly without this method.
silverflyt said:
I don't know why I didn't think of this sooner. But I found a great tip. Braid hair in 4 sections BEFORE washing. Wash, condition, add leave in. THEN take down braids to dry. That way detangling is supposed to be super fast and easy. I'm going to try that tonight. I hope this works..it takes me about an hour just to detangle right now.

OT: YOUR WORK IS BEAUTIFUL!! I love the onw named Noroki? Something like that... you, and your family are gorgeous. And your husband seems funny, one of the pictures was called "Me with a stick in front of my face?" lmao...
Hey Girl, he IS too funny, :D . I promise you, he keeps me rollin' ! And thanks for the family and artwork complements. gimme your myspace friend id numba so i can add ya!
silverflyt said:
I don't know why I didn't think of this sooner. But I found a great tip. Braid hair in 4 sections BEFORE washing. Wash, condition, add leave in. THEN take down braids to dry. That way detangling is supposed to be super fast and easy. I'm going to try that tonight. I hope this works..it takes me about an hour just to detangle right now.

Thanks silverflyt for the tip but, you did not tell us :confused: when you detangle your hair?
umm well, i just tried it and i lost more hair than usual. this is not my first time trying it and getting the same results. i guess it doesnt work for me
silverflyt said:
I don't know why I didn't think of this sooner. But I found a great tip. Braid hair in 4 sections BEFORE washing. Wash, condition, add leave in. THEN take down braids to dry. That way detangling is supposed to be super fast and easy. I'm going to try that tonight. I hope this works..it takes me about an hour just to detangle right now.
That's how I do mine. Any other way and I'm in trouble. I do mine in 8 to 16 sections then I leave it in until 90-95% dry.
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This is also the only way I wash my hair...any other way, and I'm havin bald spots, breakin combs and cursing people out.