Just feeling like loving on ya'll


New Member
I just feel like loving on ya'll right now. :hug2:There are soooo many active posters and lurkers who don't feel loved. God loves you, I love you and the Holy Spirit will comfort you.:kiss:
I soooo needed to hear that klb!

see, I half way contemplated not paying my 6.50 when renewal time came, but the love and support available here from such wonderful and caring ladies, make its it more than worth it:yep:

Still lovin' you even though I'm SUPPOSED.TO.BE. ON. HIATUS!:wallbash:


Seriously, there is NO DISTANCE in love and prayer!:blowkiss:
For the lurkers who haven't paid their $5 or $6.50..(whateva the subscription cost is:look:) but visits the CF often for nourishment and spiritual food. Just because we don't "know" you don't mean we don't love you.

Wipe the tears from your eyes sweeties...knowing that you are loved!:kiss:
ahhhhh...thank you.I really need this affirmation
...it was such a sweet-from-the-heart-message..
without asking for anything but a purely gift...gving
but... I pray it comes back to you one hundredfold :sunshine:
I just feel like loving on ya'll right now. :hug2:There are soooo many active posters and lurkers who don't feel loved. God loves you, I love you and the Holy Spirit will comfort you.:kiss:
Right back at you klb120475, right back at you!! Thanks.
OOOOO, that's so nice to know that we all have so much love here! :kisses:. God bless you and everyone out there!