Just curious: are there any type 4s that can achieve a type 3 curly look?


Darkside of the moon
I wonder because I know, trust and believe that I am 4a but a co-worker swears I'm not because I can achieve a curly 3c-ish look by using gel or conditioner on my W-N-Gs and twist-outs.

I tell her it's the products that help achieve this look. She says it's not and that I may not be a 4a after all.

What say you?
I think it's possible for some, but...I think she should focus on all the things her hair can do and not worry about what type whatever's are doing.
I have no idea. The way I look at it, I am a type 4 so any look I achieve with or without gel is a type 4 look. :lol:
Do you have any pics?

When I first learned about hair typing I thought I was a type 4 but then I realized I'm actually a type 3. But yh, if I comb out my curls, (like any other type 3c) it looks type 4. I think that only applies to type 3s who have a cottony texture. I think if you're on the silkier side.. then no, not really. My hair can appear silky with the right products and technique but it's really cottony.
I think it's possible with certain products. I used to be able to do this with the Kinky Curly line when I was natural but didn't like how my hair felt.
The only thing that I've noticed that gives me more curl definition is having my grass super hydrated. Even then, it doesn't change my textures. I have 3c/4ab. I'd love to have consistent texture all throughout though. *sigh*
I don't like to post pics because you never know who might be lurking but I'll try to describe my hair:

When it's wet, there is a definite very, very small s-curl pattern (small s-curls all over my head). When I comb it (either wet or dry) the curls turn into a 'fro. When I apply product (KCC, EcoStyler, conditioner) to my hair (again, either wet or dry), it curls. When I was wearing my hair in a phony-pony and used gel to slick down the front, I had very visable waves that were closely spaced together. And when I wore a TWA in college, I used EcoStyler gel and had little curls all over my head, so much so that folks though it was texturized. I consider myself 4a because of the diameter of my curls.
I think it's possible with certain products. I used to be able to do this with the Kinky Curly line when I was natural but didn't like how my hair felt.

Because thanks wasn't enough! KCC defines the heck out of my hair, either wet or dry, but it's so slimy and a BEAST to calibrate just right in terms of too much/not enough products. But my curls are insane, mane!
There are type 4's that can wash n go, but to me it just looks like a type 4 wash n go. I would wash n go when I was natural but to me it was never confused as being type 3c because of the curl size.
^^^this. I always considered myself 3c because my curls are very very naturally defined, but because of the size of the curls I recently reclassified myself to 4a.

My hair behaves similar without product it will poof up like crazy and be a giant cottonball but with the right technique (currently doing the CG) my hair can have curldefinition with minimal frizz,almost like a type 3c
^^^this. I always considered myself 3c because my curls are very very naturally defined, but because of the size of the curls I recently reclassified myself to 4a.[/QUOTE]

This is what I tried to tell her! It's about the curl size not the definition!
i dont know..to me if u can achieve a type 3 curly look w/o a twistout/braidout then u have type 3 hair.
i remember the days b4 i got a relaxer in the late 80s my mom and i was trying all these products so i can see if i could get michael michelle hair or cree summer hair. nah. no type of product gave me any defined curls or ringlets. im a true coily kinky 4 w/lots shrinkage.
it was funny because i was all psyched after reading michael michelles regimen in black hair. she said she wet her hair used some curl product,bent over and just scrunched from bottom up... um yeah..it didnt work for me :lol:

I feel you, I feel you, but I still say I'm 4a because of the diameter of my curls: they are very small! Defined but small!...and, BTW, you and your hair are GORGEOUS!
Thanks for the responses, everyone, but since I got such different responses and no clear concensus on my original question, from now on, when someone asks what my hair type is, I'm going to say, "Mine" and KIM.

A lot of people throw the looser curl comments around when u know how to work with your hair. I think some type 4s struggle or simply prefer to wear hair shrunken or undefined. I tend to wear my hair in both states. But I get the "good hair" comments when I'm sporting a skillfully styled wet bun. I have some of the kinkiest hair I know. So, I think people sometimes mistake (or excuse) styling skills for having a looser curl.
I don't like to post pics because you never know who might be lurking but I'll try to describe my hair:
When it's wet, there is a definite very, very small s-curl pattern (small s-curls all over my head). When I comb it (either wet or dry) the curls turn into a 'fro. When I apply product (KCC, EcoStyler, conditioner) to my hair (again, either wet or dry), it curls. When I was wearing my hair in a phony-pony and used gel to slick down the front, I had very visable waves that were closely spaced together. And when I wore a TWA in college, I used EcoStyler gel and had little curls all over my head, so much so that folks though it was texturized. I consider myself 4a because of the diameter of my curls.

Sounds to me like you described Nadia Turner's hair. It can look like this:

And I'm sure if she combed it out, it can form a perfect afro. Maybe this thread will show you more of what you're talking about.