Just Checked out Carolyn Gray's website


Active Member
Just Checked out Carolyn Gray\'s website

She has a whole line of product now!!
HHIB moisturizing spray, HHIB end protection, and others. Why didn't somebody let me know or did I miss the thread? Has anyone tried her other products? If so, What did you think? I like her Healthier Hair in a Bottle Oil Spray. I use it sometimes for air drying, using the ponytail method, when I'm too lazy to roller set.
Re: Just Checked out Carolyn Gray\'s website

I have tried all of her products. I really like HHIAB, The moisturizing spray and the ends treatment. Depending on how you react to EO's, be careful using it at night before trying to sleep. HHIAB keeps me awake and makes me feel alert. So, I try to use it in the morning instead. Other than that, I say give it try. I'm not trying to turn you into a PJ or anything ... lol!

Ballet Bun ...
Re: Just Checked out Carolyn Gray\'s website

Check this thread

I really like the Ends Treatment and the Detangling Mist. The hot oil is good, but I use other stuff for that. Right now I'm adding it to my moisturizing conditioners along with a little extra avocado oil.

My hair isn't relaxed anymore, so I'm not 100% sure about this, but... IMO the Ends Treatment would be great for relaxed hair when it's worn down and loose. When I wore my relaxed hair down and tried to protect my ends they always stuck together and/or looked greasy.
This stuff is very light--almost like a serum. I plan to use it on my ends when I wear my hair out or pressed.

The Mist is a glycerin/water type spray. I tried to make my own, but they always came out too thick, too sticky or too watery. If you can make your own, don't get this. I'll definitely be repurchasing the Mist, the Ends Treatment and my fave--HHIB Oil Spray.
Re: Just Checked out Carolyn Gray\'s website

Since Carolyn Gray frequents internet hair boards, I thought it would only be a matter of time before she came up with a whole line of products. She reads about the needs of many black women (when it comes to hair), and she does her best at addressing those issues.