Just broke up with his gf, let you speak to his mother, asked to be your girl....


Well-Known Member
within a month and a half.

My friend is dating a guy who broke up with his gf maybe a month or so ago, maybe two months.

they went on one date this weekend and then she says he wants her to be his girl and he lets her speak to his mom. :confused:

Personally, I'd be turned off.

What do you guys think?
eh. with men, it seems like you never know.

this situations screams rebound to me... i'm also hearing 'the best way to get over a man is to get under a new one' as well... :look: i think dude is applying this principle to your friend.

i hope your friend didn't say yes to being his girl. if she wants to continue to see/date him, then fine. but an actual relationship? not so sure about that :look:
eh. with men, it seems like you never know.

this situations screams rebound to me... i'm also hearing 'the best way to get over a man is to get under a new one' as well... :look: i think dude is applying this principle to your friend.

i hope your friend didn't say yes to being his girl. if she wants to continue to see/date him, then fine. but an actual relationship? not so sure about that

That's what I think too. I tried telling her that but she doesn't sound like she's gonna listen.
That's what I think too. I tried telling her that but she doesn't sound like she's gonna listen.


you live and you learn. i'm 22, but i've already learned that if you take things slow and give things time to develop (read: show their behinds), you'll see what a person is really about.

i'm sure she'll figure it out either way.

you're a good friend for trying to help :yep:

you live and you learn. i'm 22, but i've already learned that if you take things slow and give things time to develop (read: show their behinds), you'll see what a person is really about.

i'm sure she'll figure it out either way.

you're a good friend for trying to help :yep:

thanks. yeah I want her to be happy. It's been a year since her last SO and she wasn't over him. I was starting to get really worried.

I told her to take it slow.
yeah, take it slow like molasses slow. like Alwayzalady said i am young but i know the signs of a rebounder. or someone who is too desperate. not a good look either way.
Rebound with a capital R!
But this is nothing compared to this... my friend has just got divorced as of 6 months ago, she dated a guy STRAIGHT after and broke up with him about 4 months later. She is now dating our manager as of 2 1/2 months ago (overlap :yep:) and he has proposed :perplexed. Our manager broke up with his girlfriend just before he started goig out with my friend... (or so he says).
She is a lil' older than me and has been married (I've never been married) so I feel like I can't really advise her.
But for sure... if you're dating someone on the rebound it just opens the door for disaster. Their judgement is clouded and they're just plain desperate to fill a void IMO! :nono:
Personally, I don't see anything wrong with it. Unfortunately men are not like women, contrary to what we believe,they move on really quickly.

Besides, no matter what, you will always be someone's rebound........If she likes him I say go for it :yep:

I think it depends. I broke up with my ex-SO of 13 1/2 years and started dating my current SO 3 months later, he had broke up with his ex-SO (of 5 years) 2 months prior. We are still together 2 years later. But then again we were friends for 2 years and lost touch for about 5 years....
Personally, I don't see anything wrong with it. Unfortunately men are not like women, contrary to what we believe,they move on really quickly.

Besides, no matter what, you will always be someone's rebound........If she likes him I say go for it :yep:

I agree with you...it all depends on the situation, the person, the previous relationship etc. Shoot it took me 6 months of friendship with my ex only for me to end up in an verbal/emotional abuse with him that lasted 10 yrs. I took my time and took things "slowly".

On the other hand, I've known women and men who had broke up with their exes and get involved and just clicked.

I've learned in relationships sometime that chemistry is there and sometime no matter what you do it isn't.

If she does get involved with him it would be in her best interest to just keep her eyes open, but if she is attracted to him and he seem to be a good man, then why not? Its not like he proposed marriage!
Personally, I don't see anything wrong with it. Unfortunately men are not like women, contrary to what we believe,they move on really quickly.

Besides, no matter what, you will always be someone's rebound........If she likes him I say go for it :yep:

you're right. And I've had female friends move on just as fast as some men.

I guess it's just me but I would be turned off.

Usually, from my what I've seen around me, when people break up, it's never really over from the first time they break up, they still keep contact, mess around, etc...

But he may not be like that who knows.

I wish my friend the best and I hope it works out.
Usually, from my what I've seen around me, when people break up, it's never really over from the first time they break up, they still keep contact, mess around, etc...

But he may not be like that who knows.

It depends on the situation. Actually I broke up with my ex of 10 yrs and moved on quickly. I think it was because our relationship went sour. We went from living together for years to abuse to him later moving 250 miles away, because he wanted his "freedom". I was inititially hurt from lack of understanding, but during the 2 yr distance, I started slowly seeing what my life was without him. I went to couseling, got into some activities, explored different places. When he came "home", each time the bond was weaker until after awhile I felt at peace when he wasn't there. I felt negative when he was around.

When I started dating my new SO, I was ready to be loved, I mean really loved. We took it slow, but living right next door to each other made it hard to be too slow. I mean, he knew when I came home, when I left out etc...he never pressured me, neverthless he was never a stranger and he seemed like a wonderful man, now that I am with him I see that he is heaven sent. God has bless me.
It depends on the situation. Actually I broke up with my ex of 10 yrs and moved on quickly. I think it was because our relationship went sour. We went from living together for years to abuse to him later moving 250 miles away, because he wanted his "freedom". I was inititially hurt from lack of understanding, but during the 2 yr distance, I started slowly seeing what my life was without him. I went to couseling, got into some activities, explored different places. When he came "home", each time the bond was weaker until after awhile I felt at peace when he wasn't there. I felt negative when he was around.

When I started dating my new SO, I was ready to be loved, I mean really loved. We took it slow, but living right next door to each other made it hard to be too slow. I mean, he knew when I came home, when I left out etc...he never pressured me, neverthless he was never a stranger and he seemed like a wonderful man, now that I am with him I see that he is heaven sent. God has bless me.

I'm very happy for you :)

I hope God blesses me the same way.
Not to say that some guys don't get Rebound girls. But, I think women are more apt to get a transitional man. Guys regularly dump one girl and marry the immediate next one. They don't seem to need the time to process alone. They seem to be able to process WHILE in the next relationship and sometimes become a better boyfriend.