Just a friendly winter hair advisory, if your lips are dry your hair maybe as well!


Well-Known Member
so I wake up this morning and my dh has the heat on. and my lips are dry as a bone. and then I thought oh my goodness I am so glad I baggied my hair last night.

so please keep in mind as it begins to get colder outside when you are running the heat in your house it can affect your hair.

this concludes your friendly winter hair advisory
thank you
Re: Just a friendly winter hair advisory, if your lips are dry your hair maybe as wel

Yeah, I just realized that this morning when I woke up, my hair was BONE DRY and so was my skin :( AND, to make matters worse, I skipped my weekly DC last week...so I hopped right in the shower and DCed this morning. My hair feels better but still not great. I think it's getting put away under a weave for the winter soon.
Re: Just a friendly winter hair advisory, if your lips are dry your hair maybe as wel

I was just thinking/fretting about this... I love the heat but it's murder on the skin and hair! Would braids be good to rock for the coldest months?

Re: Just a friendly winter hair advisory, if your lips are dry your hair maybe as wel

I was just thinking/fretting about this... I love the heat but it's murder on the skin and hair! Would braids be good to rock for the coldest months?


I love braids as a proctective style
you can also baggie more like not just at night but whenever the heat is running. otherwise keep your ends tucked in.
Re: Just a friendly winter hair advisory, if your lips are dry your hair maybe as wel

Good tip. I need to stop being so lazy and re-start my daily moisturising
Re: Just a friendly winter hair advisory, if your lips are dry your hair maybe as wel

Agreed! What I like to use to combat this is Omega supplements.. I take four a day (two in the morning and two at night) I've noticed the results more so on my skin than on my hair, but I'm sure it helps my hair too :yep: just some advice if anyone wants to give it a shot
Re: Just a friendly winter hair advisory, if your lips are dry your hair maybe as wel

Getting a humidifier will help counter the dry indoor heat. They make warm mist and cool mist humidifiers. I think the warm mist ones are really good for the really cold weather, it seems to help with the warmth.
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Re: Just a friendly winter hair advisory, if your lips are dry your hair maybe as wel

Thanks for the warning!! Also..Can I ask what baggying is? Is it the same idea of dcing with a cap on your head or...something else entirely? Lol
Re: Just a friendly winter hair advisory, if your lips are dry your hair maybe as wel

I'm not sure about this theory. My lips are constantly dry where I have to reapply my chapstick constantly throughout the day. But my hair is usually moisturized throughout the day if I apply my products correctly. I'll still drink my water daily and DC weekly though.
Re: Just a friendly winter hair advisory, if your lips are dry your hair maybe as wel

I tend to moisturize twice a day and keep my head covered with either a satin bonnet or satin skull cap while at home. Both help to keep my hair feeling soft and moisturized.

I also take Flaxseed oil before bed during the colder/dry months.
Re: Just a friendly winter hair advisory, if your lips are dry your hair maybe as wel

My hair enjoys any reason to dry up and snap off:ohwell:
I am sure if spent the entire winter sleeping under forced air, by the spring thaw my hair would be 1-2 inches shorter:perplexed

I have added a heavier oil to my nightly moisturizer spray I have been noticing that is keeping my hair well moisturized during the day:yep:

I'm not sure about this theory. My lips are constantly dry where I have to reapply my chapstick constantly throughout the day. But my hair is usually moisturized throughout the day if I apply my products correctly. I'll still drink my water daily and DC weekly though.
Re: Just a friendly winter hair advisory, if your lips are dry your hair maybe as wel

My hair enjoys any reason to dry up and snap off:ohwell:
I am sure if spent the entire winter sleeping under forced air, by the spring thaw my hair would be 1-2 inches shorter:perplexed

I have added a heavier oil to my nightly moisturizer spray I have been noticing that is keeping my hair well moisturized during the day:yep:

and what heavier oil is that? and whats the spray concoction?:yawn:
Re: Just a friendly winter hair advisory, if your lips are dry your hair maybe as wel

opps I forgot my manners :lachen::lachen:
I mix
Coconut Oil
Cayanne Pepper Oil
Sweet Almond oil
and the heavy oil
2 tsp of Caster Oil
then add a little water to thin it out so it doesn't clog the nozel.

I keep my hair in cornrows 24/7 so it can handle being sprayed every night or every other night.
I recently added the castor oil and I am noticing that I don't have to use the spray every night. But I do baggy every night

Last night I almost didn't b/c I was tired from hiking all day:look:

and what heavier oil is that? and whats the spray concoction?:yawn: