Jumbo rollars with snap on covers or alternatives?

I'm ready to go up a size in rollars but am stuck with my purple ones because the grey and blacks don't come with snap on caps. To try using the larger rollars I have tried soooo hard to master the steel pins that secure the rollars but my God this is difficult and I never get the rollar to stay taught. It always is loose, even with 2 pins in. Plus the hair gets caught. Any tips? /images/graemlins/confused.gif

For now, I'm using the purple ones since the snap on covers are so quick and easy, just roll down and snap the cover on top. I'm done in 20 mins or less!

Does anywhere sell bigger rollars with covers too? If not, then someone help me master the clips. I've watched D stylists do it and I just cannot do it myself.
The largest roller that I've seen with the snap on covers are the purple rollers. I use the purple rollers, but I use the silver clips to secure my rollers. It was definitely a challenge when I began using the silver clips (especially since I had been using the snap on covers for so long). I have finally mastered securing my rollers with the silver clips, but I don't roller set my hair often. I would recommend doing a little practice with the clips (on dry hair) (practice makes perfect). I was going to move up to a larger roller, but I wouldn't be able to fit under my hooded dryer. So, I'm just sticking with the purple rollers for my roller sets.
angelicab, thanks for the link! I just looked at the rollar clips. Do you have any idea of these would fit on the jumbo grey rollars or even the blacks (which are the size of a cup!)

supergirl I can't remember the brand name but they're called 'magnetic rollars' and are sold in every beauty supply stores. They're smooth with holes all over.
I've found magnetic rollers in beauty supply stores, but not with the snaps. I'd really like to find some with snaps.

ALLANDRA--just curious, I know it takes forever to set your hair... How long /images/graemlins/laugh.gif
Yes, it does take a long time. /images/graemlins/frown.gif It used to take me one hour to roll my hair. Now I can roll it in 45 minutes (yeah, I know, what's 15 minutes). LOL. This is the main reason why I don't do roller sets often. I go to my stylist every three months for a touch up, and she roller sets it afterwards. There are times when I don't roller set my hair at all between touch ups because it just takes too long. On top of that, I usually wash my hair every three days or so.
LOL. No. Not quite. After a fresh touch up, I can spend as little as 1 ½ hours under the dryer at the salon (time goes by fast with a good book, and I love to read). At home, it can be longer (use that time to surf the net or read a good book). If I'm under my soft bonnet dryer, I have the luxury of taking a nap. /images/graemlins/grin.gif
Hey, that's a good idea--a bonnet dryer so I can go to SLEEP!

Keep up the great hair--you know you have inspired us all. I got the Burt's Bees avocado butter.(inspired by YOU) I'm really loving avocado stuff right now for some reason. I have some avocado oil and for the first time in my life, I like guacamole /images/graemlins/smile.gif
The Conair ProClips are awesome!!! I use them with my Caruso Rollers.

I never really thought to do them with a roller set. If I ever do a roller set again, I will be sure to try using the clips!
I use the tops from my purple with the next size up(grey?). I used to roll with just clips a long time ago. Since I haven't been able to find the jumbo rollers with snap-ons...I've started practicing with them again...but I'm still looking for the snap ons....
Well I find it's the art in rolling the rollers which makes your hair straight and bouncy. Securing the metal clips isn't hard one bit. My suggestion is, section your hair off in three parts. YOu know, make a part from the hairline to the back of your hair. The hair on the sides comb it to the sides and the hair down the middle comb it straight back. You must use a fine tooth comb for the hair to be straight.

I find rolling the front roller forward works best, no matter of the size. Secure the clips onto the hair that's coming from the roots. Yes, it might feel a little loose, but actually, when your done it will be straight. The hair wrapped around the roller shouldn't be wider than the roller. Put a generous amount of hair onto roller for bouncy hair once dry. Make sure the hair that's on the roller is straight. Now to get the hair straight, I find that combing the hair straight up and/or or even combing it a little forward will enable your roots to come out smoother. You want to roller your hair down the middle all the way to the back. Then come to the sides. Make a part in the middle from one of the top rollers down to your ear. Now the hair closet to the rollers you want to roll that hair kind of at an angle. For this, you should have about 3 rollers, 4 at most. Then proceed to the hair thats out near the hairline and roll that straight down. Should be 2-3 rollers there.

Following this method, I'm able to roll in 10-15 minutes and my hair is straight. If the roots have a crinkle to it, usually wrapping my hair will smooth it out by the next morning.

P.S. I use the gray rollers in my hair. No plastic clips for these

When I went to a beauty supply store last week, I saw two size rollers bigger than the ones I'm currently using (purple, 5.5" in diameter). They were both gray. One was 6" in diameter, and the other was the size of a soda can. Are your grey rollers that you use with the purple snap on covers 6" in diameter? My sister-in-law said that I should be able to fit under my hooded dryer with the 6" rollers. /images/graemlins/grin.gif
Thanks everyone for your help.

Amilion, your step by step guide is fantastic. I'm going to follow the 3 part section now: down the middle front to back and down each side of the face in the pattern you so well described (which is how I see the D salon's do it). I'll use my purple covers on my grey rollars (bigger size I want to use). They actually fit. After that I'll use the pins or maybe I'll use a bit of both: covers and pins until I can 'graduate' to pins only /images/graemlins/grin.gif

Thanks again!! I feel like washing my hair again today just to practise! (I washed it last night).
Once, you can follow a step by step method and practice it, you'll be rolling and clipping with the metal clips in no time flat! /images/graemlins/wink.gif

It actually took me three times before I mastered the art of rolling. My mom allowed me to practice on her and practice does make perfect once you find the style that's comfortable for you. I also suggest, watching the Dominicans. Observe how much hair they put onto the roller and then try it. That's how I learned. Rolling hair in no order causes a huge mess for me lol.

But, good luck brownrelaxedhair. I have faith in you /images/graemlins/smile.gif
If you need suggestions as to find rollers and clips, let me know, I'm a hop, skip and jump from you.
Allandra, yes I use the purple tops with the 6 inch grey rollers. I am currently drying my hair under my homemade bonnet. I have the 9 inch(around the ouside) in the bottom row of my hair. I made the bonnet big enough to accomodate a headful of these. If this works as well as it seems to be doing, I will post my how-to directions. I know using the largest rollers will cut back on the drying time and the amount of curl.
You're welcome brownrelaxed hair, I don't use the gray rollers so I can't tell you for sure if they would fit on that size roller but the box does say that they are guaranteed to fit any size rollers. /images/graemlins/wink.gif