Better Late Than Ugly
I just made my last order from Bekura for a while. I just wanted to catch everything I wanted during that sale. After this I will be good for a long while. I will only need some APB refreshers and leave-ins and then I'll rest from buying for a while. Oh yeah and maybe a couple jars of SSI Marula Hemp Hair Cream. Ithat cream a lot.
Here is what I just ordered:
1 YAM Nectar Hydrating Hair Nourisher - I just had to have another one of these (my backup) because I like how it performed on my hair. My hair loves this a lot.
1 Tonga Mousse Opulent Hair Cream
1 Whipped Custard Body Souffle - Fig Julep
3 Lait Illipe Body Milks in Cocoa Sarai, Sugar de Mai and Acai Kiwi.
I didn't get any of the gelee oils anymore. Changed my mind. I might still get them wayyy later though.
I'm sorry
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