July 14 15 16 What Are Your Weekend Hair Plans?

I was going to post Im not doing anything but I feel my scalp saying c'mon girl I need attention.

The plan:

Scalp - coconut oil, avj, fenugreek neem and onion, maybe throw in some garlic and ginger and some EOs (it's all getting blended and strained)

Length- keracare humecto+ hemp oil, some light protein on the ends.

Wash: Ors aloe follwed by keracare hydrating

AVJ rinse

Treat: joico k pak on the ends for about 5-10 mins

DC: joico mr balm on natural parts, joico revitaluxe on ends.

Leave ins:
AVJ, leave ins seal with a heavy oil/serum some kinda LOCB LVCO ABCO whatever im layering stuff :lol:

I feel I should rollerset, we'll see.
I was going to post Im not doing anything but I feel my scalp saying c'mon girl I need attention.

The plan:

Scalp - coconut oil, avj, fenugreek neem and onion, maybe throw in some garlic and ginger and some EOs (it's all getting blended and strained)

Length- keracare humecto+ hemp oil, some light protein on the ends.

Wash: Ors aloe follwed by keracare hydrating

AVJ rinse

Treat: joico k pak on the ends for about 5-10 mins

DC: joico mr balm on natural parts, joico revitaluxe on ends.

Leave ins:
AVJ, leave ins seal with a heavy oil/serum some kinda LOCB LVCO ABCO whatever im layering stuff :lol:

I feel I should rollerset, we'll see.

Are you hipo? Are your individual strands fine or thick? Is your hair dense per square inch?

How long (in minutes/hours) will this take you, including the prepooing, washing, dcing, LOCB-LVCO-ABCO, and roller setting?

I'm just curious: Unless I wet and go or skip DCing, I'm in the 3 hour range, and I don't know if I can get it under that. Thanks.
Are you hipo? Are your individual strands fine or thick? Is your hair dense per square inch?

How long (in minutes/hours) will this take you, including the prepooing, washing, dcing, LOCB-LVCO-ABCO, and roller setting?

I'm just curious: Unless I wet and go or skip DCing, I'm in the 3 hour range, and I don't know if I can get it under that. Thanks.

Hey Yvette,

Yes I am hipo with thick strands, medium density. If I want my hair to have lasting mositure I have to do a good pre-poo, wash (with shampoo) and DC. Which, if Im efficient, yeah takes me 3hrs min. If I rollerset, 4.5 hrs. Ive learned that if I skip DC im wasting my time. I have not taken less time with my hair and had good results.
Hey Yvette,

Yes I am hipo with thick strands, medium density. If I want my hair to have lasting mositure I have to do a good pre-poo, wash (with shampoo) and DC. Which, if Im efficient, yeah takes me 3hrs min. If I rollerset, 4.5 hrs. Ive learned that if I skip DC im wasting my time. I have not taken less time with my hair and had good results.

Thanks so much for sharing, @halee_J. That's very encouraging. And 1.5 hours for roller setting is GREAT timing. Does that include drying and styling, or just installing?

Thanks again, @hallee_J, and no need to read anything below. I'm kind of just thinking aloud.


I'm asking about time because I'm trying to get an understanding of what kind of time frame I should realistically be aiming for. It's the DENSITY and FINENESS combined, I believe, that mean I'm just going to have to keep working in sections. It honestly feels like HALF of my head is enough hair for ONE head. I cannot take even an entire cupped handful of product, apply it to my UNSECTIONED hair, and hope that the product hits even half of the majority of my stands. It's just too dense.

I notice with sectioning I lose way less hair, get DC and styler on every strand from root to tip, etc. But it takes time. I cannot just spray product onto my whole unsectioned head of hair or smooth product over my whole unsectioned hair. IF I do, product will never get to the "under carriage" of my hair.

Four sections is a joke. Product still isn't getting everywhere. Six sections is pushing it: Still too large. Eight to 10 sections is just right.​

Time cutters/savers so far: Detangling has gone from hours to about 35 minutes. :clap: I have found a way to apply my protein treatment and DC simultaneously, and that helps. Also, once my hair is sectioned, I don't need to apply my poo bar one section at a time. I can rub it all over my hair at the roots all over my head, creating a lot of lather, and ignore the clips and disperse the lather all over my hair. The sectioning clips are still in so they prevent tangling, but it keeps me from cleansing one section at a time (which would be time consuming). I have SKIPPED having a separate DETANGLING STEP or PRODUCT. Instead, I detangle at the DC step. That shaves off LOTS of time.

It might help time-wise if I prepoo overnight and not on wash day itself.

1.5 is my average for install and dry about 45 mins each. Let me just say that this is after months of weekly sets through the winter/spring. When I first started it would take me 1.5hrs just to install. I use Diane brand soft mesh rollers so my hair dries super fast.

your thoughts are very isnightful, I find them very interesting and refreshing how transparent you are,
thank you for sharing them.

Ill just add that the o/n pre poo is a def time saver. Thats how I usually do it if im not procrastinating :rolleyes: plus if it includes a scalp tx it will have so much more time to sink in.
Oh and y'all that plan didnt come to fruition. It was too late and I had a early start. So i spritzed my scalp with avj anointed with some rosemary eo and did a massage. My hair has a lot of build up so I hope if im not too tired tonight ill pre-poo ( mix is in the fridge ready to go) and wash tomorrow.

1.5 is my average for install and dry about 45 mins each. Let me just say that this is after months of weekly sets through the winter/spring. When I first started it would take me 1.5hrs just to install. I use Diane brand soft mesh rollers so my hair dries super fast.

your thoughts are very isnightful, I find them very interesting and refreshing how transparent you are,
thank you for sharing them.

Ill just add that the o/n pre poo is a def time saver. Thats how I usually do it if im not procrastinating :rolleyes: plus if it includes a scalp tx it will have so much more time to sink in.

@halee_J, thanks. Your words really mean a lot.

I really struggle sometimes because I'm just not a hair (handling) person. None of the women in my family are, really. Once I started struggling, I thought I was going to be able to go to a natural STYLIST, but that led to lots of damage and a severe trim.

This means I have to figure this out on my own.

I'm a little discouraged right now because I was starting to just relax and let go and have fun with my hair by saying "It is what it is. I'm getting better, it's getting better, might as well just breathe and have fun with it!" And then I got a few messages that inadvertently made me feel like I'm not making any progress and made me wish I wasn't so transparent about my hair sometimes. I try to post in detail for the lurkers and strugglers, because I remember lurking before becoming a paid member, and I really wanted to ask questions and get details! Even though I can't share "advice" because I myself am still figuring things out, I figure it might help strugglers/lurkers still to read about people's journeys and techniques and discoveries. I'm always hoping those who are bothered by detail will just ignore. :smile:

Anyhoo . . . Reading your post is really, really helping me. Thanks so very much. :kiss:

On a very good note, I accidentally created hair that I love today, and it took VERY LITTLE time. I wrote about it in the Fall/Winter wash and go thread. :up:
Awww @YvetteWithJoy thank you lady :kiss: the honour is mine. I hear you on the figuring it out thing. My mom had no idea how to handle my hair growing up she's a type 1, and bless her she tried but I know it just overwhelmed her. And for the last few years Ive been in a somewhat remote and non-diverse place with super long harsh winters I've been really having a time with hair. Continue to be you, this is what LHCF is all about, sharing and support. Good for you on the short washday that's awesome! when your hair is under control, you feel like you got your life together :lol: