Juicy Hair


Well-Known Member
Hey naturals,

So in the morning when I do my hair, its beautiful! Its wavy, oily, very moisturized...but through out the day it begins to look rather dull, looses shine, is this common for natural hair?

1). Is there a product that will give me the "juicy" look all day

2). Since it's beginning to look dull does this mean my hair is lacking moisture, and it's sucking up all the product?

I dont want my hair to be wet all day, I just want it to look wet, if that makes since :look:

Right now, I am oiled up, but its kinda annoying because the oil keep dripping down my neck :lol:, But I want to keep my shine..please help!
I know what you mean, I actually like my hair the opposite.... Non juicy lol. I like more light and fluffy but some products that made my hair juicy are that wave nouveau moisturizer, carefree curl activator (not the one in the spray bottle) and Lottabody Tress Transitions Extreme Curling Gel. All of these are like heavy juicy curl activators/moisturizers.

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^^^ She is referring to curl activator products like S Curl "No Drip" Activator Moisturizer(blue and white bottle), Carefree Curl(yellow and red bottle), Wave Nouveau, etc.

Whats Jehri Curl Juice? Is it called that in the store?

Jehri curl juice = the moisturizing activator lotions or sprays of curl/perm systems. Such as S-Curl, Carefree Curl, Wave Nuevo, Sta Soft Fro, etc.

They are glycerin based and very moisturizing. If you use enough you will get a nice juicy look. lol. I prefer that to being dripping with oil. I use the activator gel when I want a wet look. With the gel you can use less than the lotions to achieve the look and it has a bit of hold.

Thanks! I will have to get the gel because I need something with a hold because I am wearing it up...Do you know if it flakes like other gels do

Jehri curl juice = the moisturizing activator lotions or sprays of curl/perm systems. Such as S-Curl, Carefree Curl, Wave Nuevo, Sta Soft Fro, etc.

They are glycerin based and very moisturizing. If you use enough you will get a nice juicy look. lol. I prefer that to being dripping with oil. I use the activator gel when I want a wet look. With the gel you can use less than the lotions to achieve the look and it has a bit of hold.