Judging Others - What exactly is that ?


Well-Known Member
What exactly is juding? There are many schools of thoughts on this. So I just don't think I have it right.

I don't know if I do or don't. Maybe I am judging. (When I assume some one is gay, effeminate or a lesbian. Based on their appearace in actions.) I once said that someone was gay and a B.I.C said that I was juding that person. I did ot know him. But it was his that spirit and demeanor is why I said it. I did not know the guy so maybe I was juding based on appearance. Is it judment if you don't know the person and just have discernment. We usually don't know enough about a person worth to make judement calls I guess. Just something that I have been thinking about lately.

But is that juding? Please let me know. I am serious.

HOWEVER, in the body of Christ

If I know the person. I know what Matt 7:1 says and many take it out of context. That's the first thing they say, or they say.. He who is without sin cas the first stone.

Those verse do not mean to mind my business. This is the first thing someone says when you correct them. If I am wrong and you step to me. I may be offended cause you put me in check on my wrong doings but I would not consider you as judging me.

Jesus was speaking of stepping to people as if we are beyond judgement. He was speaking to his disciples about the way the Pharisees judged.... and we all know that they were a trip.

If I have a telephone pole in my eye I am not going to step to you about the tooth pick in yours. So if I am a crack-head i am not going to criticize you because you are a pot-head.

You will know me by my fruit. I will know you by your fruit. If you are an apple tree you should not be bearing pears.

Right now I speaking to the body of Christ. No it is not my job to judge you and I don't see my self as judging. My anaology is this.

I am a police officer. If I see you speeding, running a red light, going through a stop sign, car-jacking someone. Um... I saw you.... You were wrong and I am going to stop you and give you a citation. That's it.

I did not judge you I just told you what I saw you doing. The traffic court judge judges you. i jsut gave you a citation.

Do y'all understand what I am saying? If you see someone in the body of Christ doing wrong. You know them, they know you. You are wrong if you mind your business and not go to them in love. This is not judging. There are scriptures to back me up. Only I can't think of the address. :lachen::lachen::lachen: You step to thme in love.

ooops this was just on my mind.
I asked this question in the Off Topic Forum last month....

Just so I'm clear: What is the working LCHF definition of "judgement"

It did get the clink!:blush:
The problem is many Christians display an attitude that reminds one of a Pharisee. If you truly wish to help your brother in love, that's great. If all you want to do is elevate yourself at your brother's expense, that's not loving. This issue of judging seems to be based on the motivation. Who has authority over my sister? I do not. Jer 10:23 says man cannot direct his own steps. Why does man always try to direct the steps of another?