Judge Rules In Favor Of Christian Woman

Good for her and thank God for the judge who was indeed 'just'. :up: :clap: :up:

Here's the article for those who may be unable to view it from their phones:

Justice prevailed for a Christian woman who was fired from her job last year simply because she replied to a lesbian co-worker’s question about why Christianity believes same-sex relations are sinful. The Guardian is reporting on the case of 31 year-old Sarah Mbuyi who was fired from Newpark Childcare in Shepherd’s Bush, UK last year after engaging in a discussion about her faith with a lesbian coworker.

The conversation took place on January 6, 2014, after the co-worker approached Mbuyi and started a discussion about religion and same-sex marriage. “God is not okay with what you do [but] everyone is a sinner and God offers forgiveness,” Mbuyi reportedly told her. She also reassured the woman that God loves everyone even though He may not approve of their actions.

The co-worker was so upset by the conversation that she reported Mbuyi to management. Within three days, Mbuyi was investigated by the facility and fired for “gross misconduct” after being accused of harassing her co-worker.

The story might have ended here, as it has for too many other innocent victims of the prevailing “PC” attitude toward same-sex couples, but Mbuyi knew she was treated unfairly and decided to fight back. She hired the Christian Legal Centre to defend her and the case came before the Watford Employment Tribunal, a government body that oversees workplace complaints. Her attorneys argued that she was discriminated against in her firing and that she had the right to share her biblical views with adult co-workers.

The Tribunal agreed and issued a ruling stating that the employer had treated her unfairly when firing Mbuyi, concluding that her religious beliefs are “worthy of respect in a democratic society, is not incompatible with human dignity and is not in conflict with the fundamental rights of others.”

In spite of the gross disruption this incident caused in her life, Mbuyi has graciously extended her best wishes to her former employer and colleague. “I only ever responded to questions that my colleague asked me and wanted the very best for her. I give glory to God for the decision and say ‘well done’ to the Christian Legal Centre.

I hope that my previous employer and colleagues are well and will understand from this that my intention was for their best.” It is not clear if Mbuyi was awarded damages in the case but she has since moved on and is happy in another job. -

See more at: http://www.womenofgrace.com/blog/?p=40639#sthash.74oiAsYU.dpuf