

On the Grow and Keeping it Simple
Um, I was looking for mine, but apparentally journals have been "deactivated".

What does that mean and when will they return?
The same thing has happened to me. I would also like to know what the problem is.


I opened a ticket on this and nobody responded. I really want my journal back :( If you go to the left hand side and click "Contact Us" you can also open a ticket and ask about our journals.

Moderators: Please reactivate our journals.

Thank you.
I am very annoyed that my journals are gone. I had a lot and I mean a lot of important hair recipes there. When will they return. Has an answer been given?
Still no word?
I know I only had one lousy post - but I'd like to know where I was when I started LOL

is it the host? or a setting in the control panel?
I am definitely hoping they will return. Seems like I was just getting into using my journal well and then it was gone! I can't wait for the return of the journals.:grin:
Yeah i don't think it's ever taken this long to do maintenance:perplexed. Or perhap the buddies, journals, etc has all been taken away for good?
Yes they are coming back. What we intend to do actually is have blogs instead. But what we are going to do is give you temporary access to your old journals for a few months so you can move that information over to you new blog. I hope this works for everyone?

I know this upgrade thing is taking a long time, we have had a few set backs. Thank you for your patience.
Thanks for the update, Beverly. Blogs actually sound like fun! Patiently waiting to see my journal again....!
Yeah, I want my journal back!!! :D

I can't wait to see these new blogs. But when can we transfer the info from our old journals to these blogs? I dont' want to miss the date.
Yes they are coming back. What we intend to do actually is have blogs instead. But what we are going to do is give you temporary access to your old journals for a few months so you can move that information over to you new blog. I hope this works for everyone?

I know this upgrade thing is taking a long time, we have had a few set backs. Thank you for your patience.

Thank you Beverly. I'm looking forward to getting access to my journal when the updates are finished and seeing the new blogs.