Joico K-Pac


New Member
Is Joico K-Pac a strong protein like the aphogee treatment or a mild protein?

If you use a mild protein every week or so, is it necessary to use a strong one every 6-8 weeks?

I was also looking for emergencee but the stores I went to kept saying they haven't seen it in awhile (?). I am sure I can find it somewhere but I was wondering in the Joico K-Pac could substitute for the emergencee?

Also is the generic Joico K-Pac at Sally's as good as the real thing?
I have used joico-Pak once and I have good results. I also bought infusium conditioner but I can't use it to much b/c my hair gets hard.
I use the kpac weekly and at times once in 2 weeks. I do this because I'm @ 6months post relaxer and I'm trying to save as many strands as I can.
this past summer i used joico k-pak every week or every other week. my hairdresser even commented at that end of the summer that my hair felt different
I use Joico K-Pac about once every 4-6 weeks. I use mild protein conditioners like K-Pak Daily or Aubrey GBP 1-2 times a week.
I use Joico K-Pac about once every 4-6 weeks. I use mild protein conditioners like K-Pak Daily or Aubrey GPB 1-2 times a week.
Ok i jsut brought this stuff. I got hte styling creme one. There was sooo many diff kinds of k-pak i aint know which to use so i'll see how this goes. I really miss my hair now and i miss it so i wanna take it out right now but im gonna wait.
You won't be disappointed, Keke. I love everything I've tried in the K-Pak line, including the Styling Elixir.
Allright i hope so. I wanna wear my hair in a curly bantu knot out style again. I hope i do it right so that way i have no hair sticking up all weird and wacky. LOL. IF i have enough growth in the back i'll putit in a bun when i sleep and take it out next morning and have a nice fluffy full style there
I use Kpak once a month, but I also use Affirm 5 in 1 every 2 weeks because my hair is weak due to some bad encounters with former stylists.
I've tried the Joico K-Pac imitation from Sally's. I've never used the original one, so I can't compare the two, but I liked the imitation product. It is not a strong protein treatment; it doesn't leave my hair hard at all. When I use it, my hair is stronger, without having a hard Aphogee helment head.

In my humble opinion, I think it would be safe to use this product every 2 weeks, and then use Aphogee at 6 weeks if necessary.