John Frieda EXTRA strengh Frizz Ease serum...


New Member
Hi All,
well since we can't get NTM over here. I have been determined to find something that will help with my airdrying. At the moment after I shampoo and condition I just put in a moisturuser.. this normally leaves my hair hard and crispy (yuk). Anyway I bought a sample of John Frieda and put some in my hair while it was still wet..
Put a scarf on and went to bed.
Well this morning my hair is feeling very soft/shiny and my new growth is flat..
YEAH!! this is a keeper I'm going back to buy the bottle
Frizz Ease
hmm, i've never tried the extra strength serum, i do have their blowdry creme though.. i'll have to check into this. thanks for the heads up
I used to use this before the hair boards when I blowdried my hair and I LOVED it!!!! Haventt really gotten around to using it many products, so little time....
I washed my hair last night too and I used the original formula frizz ease and some coconut oil and mango butter. I tied it up wet and I was very impressed with the smoother, shinier results! It looked and felt even better when I took it down and lightly blowdried.
miki727- It cost $40 to ship a bottle of NTM to london
crazy i know..

adai628- hello Nija chick.. where are you from? PM me!!