Job Opportunity


I just wanted to come and tell you all that I have a job interview tomorrow. I'm hoping that everything goes smoothly and that GOD gives me the answer tomorrow as to if I will be taking this job. I know that there are a few questions in my mind and I just want to make sure that by taking this job I will do wonderfully and truly make the money I deserve. It is as a mortgage loan processor and alot of it is commission. Please give me courage and strength to be able to choose tomorrow. This interview will take place Tuesday at 11:00 am. I'm asking that GOD speaks for me tomorrow with electing to take this position if it is offered to me.
Nella you are in my prayers. I have an interview as well tomorrow at 10 am(Billing Analyst) and I am asking God to give me the answers I need in the interview process. Good Luck! :)
Be blessed ladies!

I have one today at 6:00 PM. I feel nervous but in a good way :)

Please let us know what happens!
Blessings to you all as well. I'm truly excited and I'm definitely putting this in the LORDS hands as it will be a change in my current salary but, commision could bring me the big bucks. Well, I've praid about it and I know that he has this in store for me.

Once again I hope that you both have a successful interview!

I will be sure to come back with an update.
Add me to the list. I'm waiting to hear if i was one of the chosen candidates for a position. I'm hoping God has this position in his plans for me as I could really use the increase in pay and change in job responsibilites. Be blessed everyone!
I already thank God that he is opening door's for you aspiring ladies! May God continue to bless you . I wish you well in your interviews and good wishes.

I just want to tell you all that I went on the interview today and I believe it went extremely well. I will know if I have the job tomorrow. I have great faith that I do as I really enjoye the interview.

PrettyHaitian I was also wondering how your interview went last night. Anyhow, everyone I will keep you all posted and like I stated you all have been in my prayer's.

I'm sitting here hoping that I got this job. I was hoping to hear back today and although it is still early he could call before the end of the week. I am a little nervous, anxious and scared at the same time.

One of my friends at work called and told me that someone at work passed a rumor around (regarding me looking for work) so now things here are driving me crazy . I hope that you all can continue to say a prayer for me as I definitely would like to pursue a new career path and it seems like someone or something is getting in the way.

I'm on vacation and should be returning to work next week and I don't even want to go in there now that everyone know's I'm looking.