JJJ's Long Hair Page


Well-Known Member
While long hair is beautiful, I am usually unimpressed if the ends are so thin and scraggly looking. But show me hair that looks healthy from root to end and you've got my attention.


I know there are many people with hair like this on the Web so this mayn't be anything new, but while browsing the website, I noticed she had various ways of creating buns, so thought that we could all learn sth so we'll be replete with ideas when we get to waist- and butt- and knee-length....:p (She demonstrates how she creates them on her bun page)


Without further ado, here's her website and the page where she shares her regimen and pics of her hair journey:
hmmmm... i wonder if she is secretly Nikko's cousin???:look: :)

Diet and suppliments

I have been a semi vegetarian for 10 years. Now, in september of 05 I have quit eating chicken and fish and am a ovo-lacto vegetarian. NO MEAT OF ANY KIND. I still eat eggs,and dairy products.

This diet is done for mostly humane reasons. I dont miss meat at all!!! I take a good multi vitamin daily, flax seed oil, biotin.I also drink protein shakes as much as possible. I am a non smoker!!!! My hair grows about 7" per year.

MY HAIR WASHING ROUTINE as of June 2007 I wash my hair every 3 days.

SPRAY in the PRE CONDITIONER- Lightly comb through your hair. Add my mixture of water/conditioner/jojoba oil in last half of hair. ( Enough to coat all the hair )
Leave this in at least 15 min to an hour. OR use coconut oil as a pre conditioner. I recently tried this( June of 2007) and really like it. I leave it in for at least an hour. you don't need much. A little goes a long way. Be sure to get the organic coconut oil. I put it on about the last 18" and put more on the ends.

SHAMPOO in the shower- I use moderate hot water for the first shampoo .Wet the hair, apply about one TBSP shampoo to the palm of my hand and spread over hands. Apply to top of head only. Lean over for a second to get more water on the scalp and then step back and begin shampooing. I Never apply shampoo to the ends of my hair, I only wash the scalp and allow the soapy water that runs down the hair to clean the hair. ( remember the last half still has the conditioner in it protecting the hair)
Shampoo for about 1 minute. ) Face the shower during the first shampoo so the conditioner does not get washed out too much from the ends)

RINSE OUT SHAMPOO- Rinse with moderately hot water allowing the water to run down the entire length of hair. Rinse about 45 seconds.

SECOND SHAMPOO- Drop the water temp to warm to luke warm. Add less shampoo this time, about 1 tsp or less to palm and apply to scalp again. Shampoo about 30 seconds.

SECOND RINSE- Keeping the water warm, rinse the hair well. This may take up to 2 minutes to get all of the shampoo out. Shampoo left in hair will make the hair appear dull.

CONDITION- After hair is well rinsed. Squeeze out all the excess water possible. This is also a good test to see if you have rinsed out all the shampoo. If your hair is long enough to see, look to make sure the water is clear and free of shampoo. If not, repeat rinse and squeeze out water again. I APPLY LOTS of CONDITIONER to hair from the ears down. I use at least 1/3 cup!
Turn shower off or step away from water so the conditioner in not diluted with water. Leave the after shampoo conditioner in for at least 3 minutes and turn off the water or avoid diluting conditioner by facing the shower again.

RINSING OUT CONDITIONER- warm to Luke warm water for ONLY 20-30 seconds on full length of hair.
I want to leave some in to easily de-tangle for it later.
For an extra shine boost, rinse for 15 more seconds with COLD water! I heard this also closes the hair shaft.
Squeeze out the hair ( never twist) and put in a towel for NO LONGER THAN 5 MINUTES. Longer than 5 minutes absorbs too much of the conditioner I tried NOT to rinse out!

COMBING WHILE WET- Use a good WIDE TOOTH COMB ONLY! Remove the towel from hair after no longer than 5 min. I separate the hair down the back and bring each half in front over my shoulders. I start by making my center part. I then begin to comb from the top down.( combing from the bottom up works better when my hair is dry) I slowly "Rake" the hair by carefully returning the comb to the area I last de-tangled. Little by little I work my way down until the hair is 100% tangle free .I do this when the hair is still very wet, it really helps the hair slide over itself when it is wet. (Sometimes I pre comb it in the shower with the conditioner still in) The conditioner I use really helps de-tangle as well as condition. If I feel like I have rinsed out too much conditioner in the shower, I spray some pre conditioner mix in my palm and work it through my hair and continue combing. TAKE YOUR TIME combing your wet hair! Hair stretches while wet so a wide tooth comb is always used to comb it out.This is one of the MOST IMPORTANT STEPS IN MAINTAINING MY HAIR. Personally, this is the part I like least about having long hair-combing it out after washing. I have it down to a science now to make it as easy, fast and safe as possible!

DRYING HAIR- After my hair is all combed out, I allow it to air dry for at least 30 minutes. I then get out my hair dryer (YES I USE ONE! Don't panic! ) I use infusium 23 spray in my hair before I blow dry. ( about 6 pumps on the hair is all) I use a Vidal Sassoon ionic sensor touch hairdryer. It has 2 blowing speeds and cool/warm/hot controls and also a button you press while drying to blow room temp air. This allows you to go from warm air to cool so the hair never gets too hot. I only use the dryer on hot to straighten my under layer in the back which has waves. I use mostly the warm setting on my hair. This is the only time I ever use a brush,while drying. I hold the hair secure with the brush, I dry my hair in three to four 6 minute drying periods. I let the hair rest for about 5 min between the drying periods. ALWAYS dry the hair pointing DOWN. I really believe that My blow drying has actually helped keep my hair healthy! It helps lock the hair scales DOWN protecting the hair and increasing the shine. I finish my final blow drying with a couple minutes of cool air and then comb my hair for a couple of minutes after hair is dry. I also run my hand down the hair while grasping it in a big ponytail. This further locks down the scales on the hair and it also feels so nice!

Hair Is currently 49" June 2007

She had a very interesting page! Looks like conditioner is key in retaining hair length! :yep:
Have any of our waist length sisters try buns like these? This is what I want to do w/ my daughter's hair and mine w/ a drawstring phony. They are very classy and more exciting than a plain bun. I always have to do things w/ a little extra pazzaz.:)