Jherri Redding Natural Protein


New Member
Hi Ladies,

Any of you use the Jherri Redding Natural Protein? I saw it recently and would llike to try it since I am due to buy a new protein conditioner. I don't want to use Aphogee again. Too much drama. But I am hoping this is a really good product cause I don't have too many choices around here. What are your reviews? How does it work for you?

Thanks for your reviews
i use it. the main ingredients are ACV and Protein. I like it alot and will definitely repurchase it. I apply it in the shower after shampooing and conditioning- put a thin plastic cap on- leave it in for a half hour or so- rinse and go- but if your hair feels stiff afterwards-you may want to use a moisturizing conditioner afterwards. Hope this helps.