Jerome Russell Punky Colors... oh, and Express Kiss, too!


New Member
:giggle: You all know I need help, right?! :nuts:

So I've been using Manic Panic Purple Rage and trying to get that nice purple hint for the spring/summer. I can kinda sorta see it, but I went to ULTA last night (always bad news!) :shhh: and saw Jerome Russell's Punky Color in Plum and about had a mini heartattack! So I picked it up... mind you, I also picked up KISS Express colors in Purple Rage earlier this week and now I have to decide which I'm going to use when I touch-up my texlaxer tonight and color before neutralizing.

So question: Have any of you used either one of these hair colors, and what are your opinions on the outcome? How about a comparison if you can? I don't need bleached purple hair at all - I'm still a professional. But I would love to see some change in my dark hair and see purple when I go outside, at least!

Can't wait for your responses!
:boredwrk: (heehee)
Sorry, I haven't. But I love Adore by Creative Image- the white bottle. They have nice bold colors. If you bleach your hair (hope not), it will show the true color, and if not, it will leave a nice tint.
Thanks, Bronx...

I don't plan to bleach my hair - I'm looking for that nice tint. I may be aging myself here, but Dark & Lovely used to have a color called Purple Passion and I used that in my hair when I was in highschool. For whatever reason they discontinued it, but the plum/purple tint in my hair was BEAUTIFUL when my mom finished it! Indoors it was dark and shiny, but outside it was vividly purple! That's what I've been looking for and haven't been able to find.

I looked for Adore here. In both BB stores I visited, they had EVERY COLOR BUT PURPLE!!! So that's how I ended up with Kiss Express, and then Jerome Russell last night.

I get off in 7 minutes!!!! I'm going home to try Jerome out and I will try to get a post in tonight with the results.
I didnt know they still made punky colors!! I used to use it in High school! It used to have great color saturation. I used to um... use a color called mandarin( um.. i was young) and used it over auburn hair. I do use manic panic sometimes now and find them to be similar. I cant wait to see your results! good luck

I texlaxed, aphogeed, neutralized, and now the color is sitting in my hair. I'll probably leave it on for a few hours while I bathe my doggy, sweep, mop, and pack! :rolleyes:
Thanks, Bronx...

I looked for Adore here. In both BB stores I visited, they had EVERY COLOR BUT PURPLE!!! So that's how I ended up with Kiss Express, and then Jerome Russell last night.

I get off in 7 minutes!!!! I'm going home to try Jerome out and I will try to get a post in tonight with the results.

Oh, thought they did! Post pics of your results, please!
sorry, Bronx...clarification - ADORE has a gorgeous purple color. The stores here in podunk Statesboro, GA have every color BUT purple!!! I was like, oh, so you're gonna have crimson, pumpkin, and YELLOW, but NO purple?!!!! :ohwell: lol!

I fell asleep last night with my ponytail rollerset and it was still wet when I woke up, so I'm sitting under the dryer now. I am going with my sis to her 10-year reunion (boy do I feel old!) and wanted my hair to look halfway decent! LOL

I will take pics, though, don't worry!:grin:
:nono: not too much of the hint of purple I was looking for...I think I should have sat under the dryer with the color in my hair...

:yep: my hair turned out really nice for the weekend, though! I am so happy with the growth and condition of it...

:rolleyes: so now I may wait a week or so and try the Express Kiss Color to see if that will take! go figure...

Here are pictures out in the sun - I see nothing... I have gotten the best results so far with Manic Panic when I leave it in for a long time and sit under the dryer. Maybe next texlax will be better results... I also think that maybe I should have left out the aphogee and just colored right after neutralizing.
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