

Well-Known Member
I went to visit my girl in NJ this past weekend and her hair is swinging and healthy looking. Well she goes to the dominicans b/c it ONLY costs her $15 for a wash and set! I am TOOOOO JEALOUS! So of course she goes weekly.

I am too jealous! Here in MD they charge at least $25 or more for a wash and set.
Yeah, in Baltimore it's $22, but out near where I go to school in PG County the Domincans charge like $35. For $30, I can go to my regular hairdresser for a style. YEESH. :ohwell:
I'm in Baltimore and you must be talking about that location out on the West side. Gotta love it but I hear it is kind of crowded and small.

bmoreflyygirl said:
Yeah, in Baltimore it's $22, but out near where I go to school in PG County the Domincans charge like $35. For $30, I can go to my regular hairdresser for a style. YEESH. :ohwell:
CurleeDST said:
I'm in Baltimore and you must be talking about that location out on the West side. Gotta love it but I hear it is kind of crowded and small.

I'm sorry, I meant Manuela's over east. There's also another one Manuela's owners opened over the summer close to eastern avenue thats a little bigger but less crowded. Where do you usually go?
Yeah I heard about Manuelas. But all the shops within walking distance charge 35-45. Its crazy. I used to pay 10 dollars in NY.:ohwell:
I am also in MD and I used to be a regular at Manuela's but I stopped because I hated wasting my whole day there. I now go to a place called Sashe's in Silver Spring but they charge $40.00 and that hurts because I'm from Manhattan where there are 2 and 3 Dominican salons a block and on the right day you can get a $10.00 wash n set.