JBCO & Shedding/breakage??? (RANT)


Well-Known Member
I noticed this about a week ago... Really SO pointed it out when I asked him to clip my ends like he has in the past. He showed me hair coming out in his hands so I'd know it wasn't him even cutting anything yet it was just from light wide tooth combing. Some were long strands with bulbs "shed hair" and some were just short strands coming from my hair (breakage? idk). He asked and I chucked it up to light protein overload. It was so surprising to him that he wouldn't even finish the job. I grabbed my elucence and dc'ed overnight. Next day I washed, con, and moist/seal and styled (with only moisturizing products besides my gio direct) with NO SHEDDING AT ALL. So I'm like okay that moisture fixed the issue hooray. Well a few days later (today) I get set to moisturize and seal whatdoyyaknow? Once the jbco touches my hair I've got shedding/breakage again (hair coming out in my hands). So I searched, found, and watched a youtube vid about it and the girl said it was normal and showed great results, meanwhile one lady commented on the vid saying she had been using it for 3 months and now her hair was thin and still falling out not just shedding. My question for you ladies is:

If you already had some breakage in the crown area and edges, and were just finally mastering moist/pro balancing, and already felt your hair was thinning but no one else agreed (before jbco) but didn't have any shedding really would you continue using this growth aid based on the claims of growth and thickness it makes and the positive results of others?

I feel it unfair and slightly irritating if I didn't post the vid so here goes

Also I doubt I'm allergic to it because I've put it on my scalp before and no burning or itching took place which is one reason why I like jbco.

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When I first started using JBCO my hair would itch but that completely went away.

My hair has definitely thickened! and I'm happy I didn't stop.

I love JBCO.

Give it sometime I would say.... but if you really think it's taking a turn for the worse, then stop.

I would probably completely stop applying anything to the scalp and make sure you weren't going through a stressfull period until the shedding stops. Maybe after a couple of months of no-shedding, I would try JBCO on a trial basis... if you begin shedding again, then at least you know for sure that JBCO is not working for you. Hopefully this shedding comes to an end soon.
ohh shoooot 0_o ihad already placed my order on the newer Rosemary JBCO..:perplexed iwas gonna use it for hot oil treatments since my hair is dry crispy:sad:
For a hot minute, I had some extra shedding that I can't fully pin on JBCO since I was (am) also using a MT mix plus sulfur oil. One thing I can say, is that while I have a bit of shedding from regular JBCO use I spent time looking at the type hair I am shedding (those extra thin hairs) and the amount (its decreased back to my normal amount). To help me see if there is a change (or not), I started taking monthly photos. Its pretty clear to see that its working the dreaded shedding isn't as much of an issue as I thought.
Unless you were allergic, I'm not sure why it would make your hair break off...that doesn't make sense at all. :( I will say though, JBCO can cause build up b/c it is so thick, so in the long run that can cause dryness and breakage if you aren't clarifying. Also - were you using it on wet or dry hair? To use on wet hair, I have to cut it with something b/c it's so thick; otherwise it pulls too much on my hair.
hehe Elle, it just goes to show how differently it works for different people. I almost always put my JBCO on wet or damp hair. It glides on so easily whether I cut it or not, so much so that the thickness isn't a factor now. My hair loves JBCO.
hehe Elle, it just goes to show how differently it works for different people. I almost always put my JBCO on wet or damp hair. It glides on so easily whether I cut it or not, so much so that the thickness isn't a factor now. My hair loves JBCO.

Yep ITA!!! I dunno what it is...but putting that stuff on my wet hair is line putting tar on Izzy, lol! She likes hemp seed oil better on wet, and scalp massages with JBCO on dry.