JBCO in Harlem?

Orange Beauty supply on 125th street right across from Old Navy and between Rite Aid and Popeyes. You can also get it at Watkins helath food store on 125th b/w 5th and lenox.
Orange Beauty supply on 125th street right across from Old Navy and between Rite Aid and Popeyes. You can also get it at Watkins helath food store on 125th b/w 5th and lenox.

This BSS is better stocked that than one near Verizon (almost across from H&M).
Yes it is! And they are very nice and helpful. I am waiting for my mannequin head to come in that they ordered for me.
do price checks though... i remember one store had it for a lot more than others that i checked on 125th. In the end I paid $5,99 i think.
I think it's probably the health food store, but I got it there anyway to support a black business. >_>

It was 8.99 for a small one at the health food store and the one b/t popeyes and rite aid had the large one at 12.99, but I didn't check the small one's price. Neither had the raw unrefined oil. They had this one that said there were other essential oils added into it.

I think it's probably the health food store, but I got it there anyway to support a black business. >_>

It was 8.99 for a small one at the health food store and the one b/t popeyes and rite aid had the large one at 12.99, but I didn't check the small one's price. Neither had the raw unrefined oil. They had this one that said there were other essential oils added into it.


Thank you! I was gonna buy this, but not if it has extra junk added to it.

ETA: I thought that website just resold the same JBCO from Sams247. This one says Tropical Isle Living, while Sams247 just says Tropical Isle.

What to believe!?

NVM. I see it's the same thing. Do you remember the ingredients?
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Weird because the one at sams247 said it was raw, unfiltered with no added oils. So I dunno what to believe.

ETA oooh I see. The one in the big bottle at Orange beauty had "other essential oils" and this one says Raw Unfiltered:

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