Jason's Sea Kelp!


old head
Jason\'s Sea Kelp!

I recently purchased some Jason's Sea Kelp shampoo and conditioner (along with a new, big bottle of GPB
) from the vitamin shoppe online. I tried it today for the first time. I lathered up twice, conditioned a few minutes, and then put in GPB to leave on for about 10 minutes.

Wow! You guys weren't kidding about the sea kelp. My hair is soooo soft. I really like the shampoo. My hair felt clean, but not stripped at all. The conditioner was really moisturizing. I like the mild smell too. Definitely a keeper. I can't wait to see how my hair is after I've been using it for a while.
Re: Jason\'s Sea Kelp!

I want to try this too. I hope it is moisturizing and detangling enough for my natural hair type.
Re: Jason\'s Sea Kelp!

I love the conditioner too! I'll try the shampoo when my Jason jojoba shampoo finishes.
Re: Jason\'s Sea Kelp!


Today marked my third use of sea kelp--My second use was on monday when I did a conditioner only wash. Today I did a regular shampoo and condition.
I think I'm in love

I know it's only been three times but my hair has felt just as nice and soft each time I've used the sea kelp products. Consistency is a big factor as I'm busy searching for staple products. My newgrowth even feels silky
(I think this would be GREAT on natural hair
Now I want to try their other stuff too...
Re: Jason\'s Sea Kelp!

Thanks, for the review BlackCardinal..I'm about to order the products now!
Re: Jason\'s Sea Kelp!

I have to agree, it is a great product line. It detangles my natural hair very well.
Re: Jason\'s Sea Kelp!


Thanks for the rec. I've been looking for a natural conditioner that works well (i.e. moisture + detangling) on natural hair. I'll add this to my things to try list.
Re: Jason\'s Sea Kelp!

I lied, I said I wouldn't buy the shampoo until I finished the jojoba shampoo, but I succumbed and bought it! The results were even better now that I've tried the shampoo and conditioner together. This is definitely a staple!