Jasmine Oil


Well-Known Member
Has anyone used Dabur Jasmine Oil?

I went into the Indian store today and one of the women working in there recommended it and said she used it on her hair.

How do you like it?
The smell was too perfumy for me. I mixed it with some essential oils to mask the smell because I hate waste. It is nothing special, I won't be buying it again.
The smell was too perfumy for me. I mixed it with some essential oils to mask the smell because I hate waste. It is nothing special, I won't be buying it again.

OK. That's disappointing. Did it help the condition of your hair at all? Or you couldn't get past the perfumey smell?
Hmm I did not see much difference, I rather use the Dabur lite.

Man, the store I went to was all out of Amla, and I've never tried it before. I was so geeked to try it out too. :wallbash: I went home with some Vatika Oil and Jasmine Oil to try out. We're testing out the Vatika tonight. Let's see how my hair looks in the morning.
I use the Vatika oil too, switch up with Amla oil they are both good. Try the jasmine it just didn't do much to me,but it could be great to you. I only bought it because I was trying all the dabur oils the store had to find out what worked better for me.

Let me know what you think abou it.
I just ordered three bottles of Dabur Jasmine Oil. I use this as an overnight oil prepoo and I love it. My hair loves it, too. My hair is strong, smooth, and shiny when I use it. I also use it with my deep conditioners. I like it with my final rinses, too. It seems to keep my shedding at bay. :grin:
I just ordered three bottles of Dabur Jasmine Oil. I use this as an overnight oil prepoo and I love it. My hair loves it, too. My hair is strong, smooth, and shiny when I use it. I also use it with my deep conditioners. I like it with my final rinses, too. It seems to keep my shedding at bay. :grin:

Cool, I will definitely have to try it then.

How much do you mix in with your deep conditioners?
OK, I tried a little bit of the jasmine oil on my ends and the smell is definitely strong and perfumey. It was a bit much. I can see myself using a little bit at a time, maybe as a sealant.
OK, I tried a little bit of the jasmine oil on my ends and the smell is definitely strong and perfumey. It was a bit much. I can see myself using a little bit at a time, maybe as a sealant.

You can always add a bit of a fragrant oil to it. I'm sure some people do it. I usually add a tbsp or so to my conditioners. I don't use it as much on my dry hair, which means I never smell it. It could be worse; it could smell like amla oil (baby diaper:perplexed). The Dabur Jasmine doesn't have a strong smell to me. Maybe because of how I use it. Anyway, I love it!!!:yep:
I bought the Dabur Jasmine oil last night because my indian store did not have Amla gold. This stuff is the truth! I only let it sit for an hour mixed with a Botanica Rysell Avocado Treatment (Dominican). rinsed, shampoo'd with 12 en 1 and then used the 12 en 1 rinse. Did a twist out with avacado leave in and sealed with coconut oil. My hair feels so soft and the curls are well defined. Even though I shampoo'd the oil, I still smell the jasmine but it is not that heavy. Very faint. This stuff is a KEEPER! :yep:
I just bought a bottle of the Dabur Jasmine oil today. Can someone provide some feedback on this product? TIA!
I just ordered three bottles of Dabur Jasmine Oil. I use this as an overnight oil prepoo and I love it. My hair loves it, too. My hair is strong, smooth, and shiny when I use it. I also use it with my deep conditioners. I like it with my final rinses, too. It seems to keep my shedding at bay. :grin:

I agree. I like Jasmine oil for prepoos and I add a lil to my conditioner sometimes. I don't mind the smell. After using, shedding is very minimal.
I used this as a prepoo this week and I really like it. My hair was soft, detangled and was not as dry after shampooing. I used it with my shakakai bar.