Jasmine oil question


Well-Known Member

This woman that I know who has been trying various things on her hair to get it to grow has been using Jasmine oil on her hair and is raving about it. So she gave me a bottle. However, I am stumped at how to use it. The directions say to put two teaspoons in your hair and leave it in for about an hour then wash it out.
Do any of you ladies use Jasmine oil this way? I am a devoted daily condition-washer and I'm interested in using this oil, but not really sure how.
I would really appreciate your suggestions.

Thanks in advance
I've never used it but i only know jasmine oil as an essential oil and it doesn't have any stimulating properties...if you have a large bottle of it and it was cheap, it may have been diluted with a ton of mineral oil, or another cheap oil. Pure Jasmine oil is very expensive.
You can use oils before you wash your hair; as a hot oil treatment or prepoo. Just heat up some oil in the microwave for 15s, massage it into your scalp and hair, leave for an hour, or overnight and proceed to washing your hair as normal. But i would only suggest hot oil treatments if you're going to shampoo your hair after.
People tend to use mustard oil, vatika oil, olive oil, Castor oil, coconut oil etc for oil prepoos. HTH
So Austro-Afrikana, are you suggesting that the Dabur ayurvedic Jasmine hair oil is loaded w/ mineral or another cheap oil? Just wondering.