Japanese Hair DO!!!


Well-Known Member

Today I watched my GF get her hair ‘done’ at an Okinawan hair salon. She has thin 4b APL hair and is in need of a touch-up.
They washed & conditioned her hair (I wasn’t in the shampoo area so I couldn’t see what products they used).
Two Hair Techs then blow-dried her hair using a rattail comb, but worked through her hair very gently.
Then they added 2 styling products to her hair & proceeded to flat iron.
The flat irons were no-names, regular, run-o-da-mill irons, but they & the Tech’s techniques did an awesome job!
The Techs worked diligently, taking each section of hair & starting at the root & taking the iron about an inch down, running over the 1 inch area about 4 times (yes I counted), then running down the length of the section 3 times.
After going through the entire head, the male Tech went through the hair again, which produced a fantastic SHINE to the hair. He did not add any other product to the hair at this time.
He then added a bit of spray (I don’t know what it was) then shaped her hair, going through the ends w/ the iron to bend them.
I had my doubts when we went in, but MAN! I was impressed when we walked out! Her hair was bouncy, shiny, & straight!!!
It took them one hour to complete the job & it cost $30!!!
That was 11 am this morning.
I just left her from going to dinner (11 PM) & her hair is STILL GAWJESS!!!
Just wanted to share!
Sounds like it looks good, but did they use any heat protectant??

First I've heard of Japanese doing ethnic hair...
I'm guessing that salon is close to a military base. They're used to doing ethnic hair there from what I've heard.
@ MS Dee-
I'm not sure WHAT they used! All the bottles were in Japns.!
I was mad at that, too!
I did see that they carried a line of L'oreal priducts not marketed in the USA.

@ Brave-
Yep they are doin' it! I was so surprised! & I'm doin' aiight!

I don't think she wants her pix on the 'net, otherwise I would have taken some. ( I begged her!)

It is near the bases, but they don't advertise to US! That was why I was plesantly surprised that they handled biz as well as they did.
It sounds similar to how they do their straightening technique.
I'd love to see pictures!:)
AKA-Tude said:
It is near the bases, but they don't advertise to US! That was why I was plesantly surprised that they handled biz as well as they did.
Word of mouth does wonders. :)
I lived in Okinawa for 3 years because my father was in the military and I loved it there. Never let the Okinawians touch my hair though, my mother and I went to a lady that worked out of her home and did hair. Very interesting though how your friends hair turned out! Glad that she loves it.
My hairdresser is from Japan. She has been doing my hair for 3+ years. She can do it all. Natural hair, relaxers, fusion and sew- in weaves. Her hair cuts are the best as well :)