I had the same issue with my combs that I received, I was like something STANK I took the combs out of the package and washed them with shampoo and they were ok.
Sent from my VTAB1008 using VTAB1008
north american hemp co:
deep treatment oil
smoothing cream
volume mousse
max hold gel
thinking about going back for shampoo and conditioner. we'll see
renpure organics protein reconstructor
Davines absolute beautifying potion.
Malibu C Miracle Repair Power Protein Builder
I bought Kinky Kurly Knot today, but not sure how I'm suppose to use it. As a detangler, before I wash?? leave-in?? or co-wash with it?? HELP!?!?!
Guess that's what I get for jumping on wagons.....
@Coffee - I was looking for this, Davines Oil. Where did you get it from?